what determines del. area surcharge


Not trying to start a stink but..the answer i got from the 800 number does not correspond with what shows up on my bill..I'd like to get the answer from someone who actually knows what it is. They told me it was on there when a package had to be delivered out of the city limits or (quote) way out in the country..


I Re Member
It is by zip code.

So if you are sending to a residence even in the middle of a town that is far enough away from the delivery center to warrant the designation as extreme rural it will be charged this fee.

That kind of sucks, but it is far simpler than trying to designate by distance from all small burgs, etc.

For instance, most of the UP in Michigan ends up getting this extra charge, even in many of the decent sized towns because the centers are so far away (the less volume an area supports the longer between delivery centers there will be), so I suggest people send it to where their customer works if possible as this will normally make it a commercial delivery (unless they work out of a house, but we've already discussed that one :p) and avoid the extra charge.


thanks... my center is located in the next town 18 miles away..when I order stuff for my business i have it charged to my ups account..why would some of the shipments have a del. area surcharge and some not?


I Re Member
I don't know.

Sounds like you are working out of a house rather than a commercial address?

If you want to supply your zip code I could check to see if it is a designated extreme rural, etc.



I can hear myself now... hello, yes m'am..I realize I havent paid my bill in full..but..you see.. there are a couple of guys on the internet that said I shouldnt be charged a del. area sur charge..lol
is there anyway i can look this up on the ups web site so i have some ammo other than not paying the total bill? thanks


Staff member
We used to have sales people that we could ask to stop in and help out a customer. This would be great for Blkcloud.

Unfortunately, they keep a very low profile, if they even exist at UPS anymore.


I Re Member
Just tell them it's Over9five and Ok2bclever, that'll do it. :p:p:p

Talk to your account exec and if you don't get satisfaction work your way up the ladder till you do.


Well-Known Member
blkcloud said:
nope..we have a reuglar business...no residence here...one block from our courthouse..my zip is 38478 thanks!


Just to be clear... These are packages you have shipped?? Not ones shipped to you... If that is correct, your ZIP code is not a factor.

Are you sure these are delivery area charges (which are for very rural locations), vs. the residential surcharge?

Its more expensive to ship to a residential address. UPS has a database of addresses it believes to be residential. If you ship to one as commercial, the billing system will adjust the charge to commercial...

I don't know if that is it....



Active Member
Delivery area surcharge

blkcld-you pay the delivery area surcharge based on the zip code you ship your package to, not your own zip code. Your business is Pulaski Tn 38478, which is a DAS zip. So anyone sending a package to you would pay the DAS charge, which is $1.25 for commercial addresses, $2 for residential. Next year DAS will go up to $1.30 for commercial, $2.10 for residential. Both FedEx and UPS use the same list (actually FedEx just copies the UPS list!). You can find the list at:


Well-Known Member
I think another thing to keep in mind is that these aren't all "extreme rural" addresses. For example, when I ship stuff to my parents in my hometown, despite the fact they're 20 miles from a center, their zip has a DAS. It's probably because their zip code covers a huge amount of territory, and there's no way to tell the difference between one in downtown 09080 and the farmhouse 15 miles down the back country road in the same zip.


Active Member
Good point iload the truck-over 25% of the US population live in DAS zip codes. UPS actually breaks them down further, in Rural and Super Rural. But there are still some fairly big cities on the list.