what position is this .. metro area

pkg handler

Well-Known Member
well there were some people i know who ( This is in a metro area ) where they walk around in the center city part of town and deliever pkgs on foot with handcarts ..? is this a driver helper ..? or what ..


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
Air Walkers are used in big cities to help deliver skyscraper type routes. Part Time job in the morning, they meet the Package Driver at the delivery dock. I don't know if they are used to make Pick Ups in the afternoon.

pkg handler

Well-Known Member
Air Walkers are used in big cities to help deliver skyscraper type routes. Part Time job in the morning, they meet the Package Driver at the delivery dock. I don't know if they are used to make Pick Ups in the afternoon.

yes this is a big east coast city and they do typical work in sckscraper type areas .. but neither of these ppl drive so im assuming that they meet with the driver


Is it time to go home yet
I know they have them in Manhattan.It's quicker to walk the stuff around then to try and drive the truck to the stop.Yes,they are part time.They help us meet the NDA time commitments.


Well-Known Member
Air Walkers are used in big cities to help deliver skyscraper type routes. Part Time job in the morning, they meet the Package Driver at the delivery dock. I don't know if they are used to make Pick Ups in the afternoon.

From what I've heard it's the same thing, driver drops off the trailer or a load and somebody, or in some cases, multiple somebodies go through the building delivering it. That way you don't have a vehicle at a loading dock or trying to stop in a busy metro area.

My understanding is that we have two UPSers covering just the Empire State Building. Somebody from NYC, Chicago, or a similar city would be able to speak to it better than I.

Not sure what the job title is though.


nations capital
They are call air walkers they help with air in the AM and do PM air picks mostly drop boxes. All are part time. It is just you and your handcart no driving at all.