Withdrawing from the Union...


Bad Moon Risen'
I'm the only driver in my building.
Usually rile up management on a daily basis.
No one wants to drive the 40 miles out to visit to try and smooth things out.


Well-Known Member
Yes, Im in a right to work state.

and no i'm not blaming the union for my injury... I am pissed that I've turned in 6 9.5s and nothing has come of it... I have gone through 2 different shop stewards, we only have about 23 drivers in my building... and the 2nd shop steward is the one that told me the union has lost my info... When I asked him what to do, if I should just stop paying dues, he told me "I can see where your coming from, and I wouldn't blame you if you did"
Honestly I would keep filing grievances...at one point something is going to stick! Also talk to some of your peers (not steward) and see what they say about their experience with grievances!

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You should call your union hall and see if they have "sick dues" for members out on comp/disability. If they do, it's probably retroactive.

Talk to your BA about your 9.5 grievances and ask for an explanation. What's the deal with your grievances being "faxed"? There's a disconnect somewhere between your steward filing your grievance and it being received at the union hall. I've never "faxed" a grievance for a member (I don't own a fax machine and the company sure as hell wouldn't let me use theirs'.) Whenever I file a grievance for a member, I ask for/run-off myself (3) three copies. All three are then signed/dated by myself (the steward handling the grievance) and by the manager of the operation they're filed against. One copy goes to the member to verify I filed it, one goes to the company for their records, and one gets mailed off to the local the next day and is time stamped upon arrival.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
You should call your union hall and see if they have "sick dues" for members out on comp/disability. If they do, it's probably retroactive.

Talk to your BA about your 9.5 grievances and ask for an explanation. What's the deal with your grievances being "faxed"? There's a disconnect somewhere between your steward filing your grievance and it being received at the union hall. I've never "faxed" a grievance for a member (I don't own a fax machine and the company sure as hell wouldn't let me use theirs'.) Whenever I file a grievance for a member, I ask for/run-off myself (3) three copies. All three are then signed/dated by myself (the steward handling the grievance) and by the manager of the operation they're filed against. One copy goes to the member to verify I filed it, one goes to the company for their records, and one gets mailed off to the local the next day and is time stamped upon arrival.

Our stewards use the company fax machine.


Well-Known Member
I started reading your story but it's way to long and only has 4 paragraphs which make reading it painful.

So here is my only question if you know that the route you bid is going to be cut except during High volume days then why did you bid it ??? The only reason I see you bidding a route like that is because your think you could have the option of not working when the route is cut

I bet if you go and look at the description of that route it has cover next to it (example Allen St / Cover )


Well-Known Member
When I started driving it was the baseline RT, and it was also the training RT for new drivers... About 4 years ago they tweaked the RT and put the air loop on the tail end of it... So it ran appox 100 business stops /325 pcs, 25 miles...and then around 1430 I'd start the air run which had about 30 pickups/100miles... After adding the airloop to it they put the rt up for bid. So I bid it, but they bid it as a training rt, and I was told that whenever a new driver came in I would go back to being a cover driver while the new guy was in his 30 day packet. I ran the RT for about 2 years and then they decided to pull the air loop back off of it and go back to a air driver coming in for the afternoon and working a half day. I was told because it was bid as a training rt that they were allowed to make changes to it like that, and the shop steward told me they were right.

When our volume dropped down or so thats the reason they gave us my 'new rt' without the air run on it, which was now 160+stops, 350 pcs, 2 p/u's, 50 miles would routinely be cut on Mondays and ran the rest of the week... When they got into a pinch and ran out of cover drivers, my rt was the first to get cut out and spread out to the surrounding drivers.

The title of having training rt on it has opened up a whole can of worms... like not being able to claim other rts they put me on for 9.5s and what not. When I bid the rt it was in every day it had been since I started, but after it got bid and tweaked, and re tweaked and labeled ect ect... well then it became a whole new animal.


Well-Known Member
Our center used to have just one training route and it was clearly identified as such during the bidding process. We all knew what the deal was-----you ran the route and if they needed to train someone you were bumped from the route and became a cover driver for those 30 days and you were also bumped from the route during Peak. Now every loop has a training route. Training routes give them the flexibility that they need to handle volume fluctuations and the ability to train new drivers. Training routes are ideal for those drivers who may be looking for a day off here and there and a change of scenery on a occasional basis. Training routes are not for those who want to run the same route everyday.


Well-Known Member
Center has 5 loops... but only the 1 training rt... before it was a bid rt I couldn't file 9.5's because I wasn't a bid driver... so when they made the rt I bid for it. If they do cut my rt and the have 'bodies' I can have the day off if I want, but if they cut the rt and they dont have any cover drivers because its got the training rt title on it I'm not allowed the day off. I bid the rt simply because I wanted to do consistent work/area every day... so until someone retires this is my rt.


Well-Known Member
Center has 5 loops... but only the 1 training rt... before it was a bid rt I couldn't file 9.5's because I wasn't a bid driver... so when they made the rt I bid for it. If they do cut my rt and the have 'bodies' I can have the day off if I want, but if they cut the rt and they dont have any cover drivers because its got the training rt title on it I'm not allowed the day off. I bid the rt simply because I wanted to do consistent work/area every day... so until someone retires this is my rt.

From what you say you knew what your where getting into when you bid the route so stop bitching.

I'm a FT cover driver that just keeps bidding cover. I'm not bidding a specific route to just have the say route until one opens up that I like that way at least I know that I won't be doing a crappy route everyday. (crappy being, bad area, long hours everyday, bulked out everyday, etc ).

Biennial bidding just ended in are local ( 3 building 4 centers bidding 4 area ) in my center 3 crappy routes will be force fill by the next 3 Pt to FT drivers as no one bid them....