Word for the day


golden ticket member
Dec. 31, 2017

Profligate Adj. Recklessly extravagant or wasteful in the use of resources. A profligate lifestyle resulted in his bankruptcy.”
HI: shortened form of hello.


golden ticket member
Sapid adj. Having a strong, pleasant taste; palatable. “The wine tasting was a most sapid event.” (of talk or writing) Pleasant or interesting


golden ticket member
Obdurate adj. Stubbornly refusing to change one’s opinion or course of action. “Despite her plea, he remained obdurate.”


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Audacious; Audacity adj. Showing a willingness to take risks. “An audacious attack on the company.” Showing an impudent lack of respect. “An audacious move.”


golden ticket member

Discern; Discerning v. Perceive or recognize (something). Distinguish (someone or something) with difficulty by sight or with the other senses. “Discern who is telling the truth.”


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Tangential adj. Superficially relevant; divergent. Diverging from a previous course or line; erratic. “He took credit for anything tangentially related to their work.”


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Phalanx n. A group of people or things of a similar type forming a compact body or brought together for a common purpose. “A phalanx of lawyers took charge of the case.”


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Servile adj. Having or showing an excessive willingness to serve or please others. “She wrote a servile letter to her upset neighbor.”


golden ticket member
Amicable adj. Having a spirit of friendliness; without arguments or serious disagreement. “An amicable agreement between the two firms.”