Would you rather have been a loader or on small sort?


Well-Known Member
already posted something like this but I'm interested to see what people will say for this..im a loader and my ft sup says there are small sort positions open...which would you choose? Stay loading, or learn small sort?


Me, personally, I'd continue loading.

Small sort's definitely less physical, to such an extent that I find myself daydreaming and time going by so..... incredibly.... slow..... the few times I've been in small sort. Flipping thousands upon thousands of envelopes over so the next person can scan them, and then holding back that same mass of packages every time the scanner can't keep up (which is often).

I like to work by myself more than I prefer the group setting, and all they do in small sort is talk BS all morning. That's cool if they want to spend 5 hours a day doing that, but I'd rather get a cardboard workout in every morning instead of knowing I'm going to be stationary and mind-numbingly bored for the entire shift.

It all depends on what you're looking for, Ant.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Smalls can be a fast paced job but it's not all that physical unless you work on the "Debag" ramp. Thats where all the smalls come from the hub belts. They come up in bags, in totes, or individually to a slide where they pile and are are gravity fed to the debagers. The bags have to be unzipped and their contents dumped the contents onto another belt that feeds the belts going to all of the various smalls bins. What doesn't come down in bags are just scooped up and dumped onto the same belt I just mentioned. The bags that are "bypass" bags are left alone and sent down another slide or belt to continue on to the PDs. A bypass bag is a smalls bag that doesn't need to be opened because it's already sorted and can be loaded onto the outgoing trailer for that destination. A bag that needs to be opened will have the name of that hub on the label and a bypass bag will have the name of other hubs/centers on it.

Other than debag the only "workout" anyone can get is the constant lifting of bags to place them on the belt that feeds the PDs. When I started in smalls I had a habit of putting too many in one bag. The supervisor for the PDs would call up and complain because their loaders were saying the bags were too heavy. LOL!

A typical small sort shift is this.....

Sorters: basically like the Alien in this video.

Baggers: open drawer, grab smalls, scan them, drop in bag, scan sticker, slap sticker on bag, zip bag, lift and drop on belt, repeat.......

It's pretty simple really. I'd rather have a bad day in smalls than a good day unloading or loading.


nowhere special
Any particular reason you chose a Spanish version of that clip? Ha ha ha