“Change” vs “Draining the Swamp”


Well-Known Member
How much public housing are churches building these days compared to HUD? How many supplemental food programs are churches supporting compared to the USDA?
Have you even been in a HUD home? Id rather be homeless personally. Habitat for humanity does a far better job.

Churches feed the poor constantly. Multiple churches, multiple denominations, across the world. Versus a single US government agency? Are you actually serious? Your extremely low level brain activity is showing itself.

Truth is, no government program should be feeding anyone anyways. That is socialism. It should be left to the churches and other bodies of morality. The gov should do away with welfare completely. I wonder how many of those ppl would "miraculously" find jobs immediately after shutting it down. Maybe we can find out with 4 more years of Trump!


Well-Known Member
Have you even been in a HUD home? Id rather be homeless personally. Habitat for humanity does a far better job.

Churches feed the poor constantly. Multiple churches, multiple denominations, across the world. Versus a single US government agency? Are you actually serious? Your extremely low level brain activity is showing itself.

Truth is, no government program should be feeding anyone anyways. That is socialism. It should be left to the churches and other bodies of morality. The gov should do away with welfare completely. I wonder how many of those ppl would "miraculously" find jobs immediately after shutting it down. Maybe we can find out with 4 more years of Trump!
The Republican Compassion is truly something special...let them starve.


Well-Known Member


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Well-Known Member
Was that senator Warren the old boy that was married too Elizabeth Taylor at one time? He would have to be getting up there.


Well-Known Member
Was that senator Warren the old boy that was married too Elizabeth Taylor at one time? He would have to be getting up there.
Warner. Mark Warner has been in Virginia for a hot minute. One of the most corrupt democraps we've ever been blessed with


Well-Known Member
Have you even been in a HUD home? Id rather be homeless personally. Habitat for humanity does a far better job.

Churches feed the poor constantly. Multiple churches, multiple denominations, across the world. Versus a single US government agency? Are you actually serious? Your extremely low level brain activity is showing itself.

Truth is, no government program should be feeding anyone anyways. That is socialism. It should be left to the churches and other bodies of morality. The gov should do away with welfare completely. I wonder how many of those ppl would "miraculously" find jobs immediately after shutting it down. Maybe we can find out with 4 more years of Trump!
But I'm quite certain that in the you too will sign up for the purest forms of American socialism....Social Security and Medicare..... And when you find yourself in a nursing home and your money is all gone you'll sign up for another form of pure American socialism. One created to provide for the needs of the aged and indigent.....Medicaid. And nationwide 62% of all nursing home patients are on Medicaid.

Am I a so called "socialist" ? Not in the complete sense. But, whether I am or am not a socialist ....it doesn't matter. Why? Because we've already been one for generations.

Keep something in mind. Churches and charities cannot do more to alleviate human suffering than the extent of the tax deductible contributions there are given to work with.


Well-Known Member
But I'm quite certain that in the you too will sign up for the purest forms of American socialism....Social Security and Medicare..... And when you find yourself in a nursing home and your money is all gone you'll sign up for another form of pure American socialism. One created to provide for the needs of the aged and indigent.....Medicaid. And nationwide 62% of all nursing home patients are on Medicaid.

Am I a so called "socialist" ? Not in the complete sense. But, whether I am or am not a socialist ....it doesn't matter. Why? Because we've already been one for generations.

Keep something in mind. Churches and charities cannot do more to alleviate human suffering than the extent of the tax deductible contributions there are given to work with.
Bro, I hate to break it to you but, Im extremely fortunate. I will never have to worry about money. The only thing I MIGHT have to do is change which country I park it in due to the younger, poor decision-makers coming up to voting age. Ill stay here and fight for as long as its practical, but once a certain threshold is reached, Im out. Ill fight from a distance.

This is why I said, it doesnt really matter to me one way or the other who wins because I'll be ok. *shrug* Its clear that youre gonna have to learn some lessons the hardest way.


Well-Known Member
Trumpy up 1-0 in VA. At least you will have proof of 1 of the worst decisions you have ever made. If your last name ain’t Trump he will use and abuse u.


Well-Known Member
Bro, I hate to break it to you but, Im extremely fortunate. I will never have to worry about money. The only thing I MIGHT have to do is change which country I park it in due to the younger, poor decision-makers coming up to voting age. Ill stay here and fight for as long as its practical, but once a certain threshold is reached, Im out. Ill fight from a distance.

This is why I said, it doesnt really matter to me one way or the other who wins because I'll be ok. *shrug* Its clear that youre gonna have to learn some lessons the hardest way.
Humor me with your options on moving...Russia???


Well-Known Member
Humor me with your options on moving...Russia???
Poland. They reject leftism to a degree that Im satisfied with. They have some issues but, if all the things that made America the greatest country on Earth are removed, its just time to go to a different country where I can keep my money safe. And if I have to split it up into multiple accounts, I will do that too. These heroin addict bums and third world invaders will not get a dollar of it.


Well-Known Member
Poland. They reject leftism to a degree that Im satisfied with. They have some issues but, if all the things that made America the greatest country on Earth are removed, its just time to go to a different country where I can keep my money safe. And if I have to split it up into multiple accounts, I will do that too. These heroin addict bums and third world invaders will not get a dollar of it.
Obviously, you clearly believe that you would enjoy living in a totalitarian nation. Can't think of a better one than Poland. Living under the thumb of Duda and Morawiecki would definitely be to your liking.


Well-Known Member
If U like daily protests and riot police Water hosing/Sending the dogs on women protestors ..sounds like fun


Inordinately Right
Spot on man. The Right has offered nothing but fear. No platform, no specific proposals, just "be afraid...be very afraid".
Your complete lack of self awareness is ridiculous.

You and leftists like you pushed fear for 4 years. WW3 with north korea, WW3 with Iran, black people literally being hunted by white supremacists, Russia stealing elections, Trump is a manchurian candidate, Republicans going to take your healthcare, millions will die from the Chinese Virus, the world is ending in 10 years from climate change.

Democrats are in a death cult. Their entire platform is nonsensical fear mongering.


Well-Known Member
If U like daily protests and riot police Water hosing/Sending the dogs on women protestors ..sounds like funView attachment 315840://amp.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/oct/28/the-guardian-view-on-polands-abortion-ban-a-betrayal-of-democracy
You mean, I'd get to stand front row and watch? Without even PAYING for it?
Im booking my flight tonight

The best part is I dont even speak Polish so Id have no idea what they were screaming about anyways. Id just assume they were telling me Im handsome


Well-Known Member
And your "well thought out reply" to the fact that there is nothing in Christian doctrine that orders us to collect taxes for the benefit of the poor is to babble on about what's printed on money.

If you want to be critical of Christianity, fine, but maybe you should --I dunno-- learn the basics first.
With MAGAts claiming the US government was founded as a christian nation, it almost mandates that we would have government helping to feed the hungry. The people chose, through representatives they elected, to use government services to feed the hungry of the nation.

And you ONLY do what the bible instructs, nothing beyond. Does the bible instruct you to drive a car, or use a microwave oven???? Your comments are just stupid, sorry to put it so bluntly.


Well-Known Member
But I'm quite certain that in the you too will sign up for the purest forms of American socialism....Social Security and Medicare..... And when you find yourself in a nursing home and your money is all gone you'll sign up for another form of pure American socialism. One created to provide for the needs of the aged and indigent.....Medicaid. And nationwide 62% of all nursing home patients are on Medicaid.

Am I a so called "socialist" ? Not in the complete sense. But, whether I am or am not a socialist ....it doesn't matter. Why? Because we've already been one for generations.

Keep something in mind. Churches and charities cannot do more to alleviate human suffering than the extent of the tax deductible contributions there are given to work with.
The FAA is socialist- the air should be open to all with no restriction. That is how stupid cries and whines that feeding the poor is socialism sounds to sane people.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
With MAGAts claiming the US government was founded as a christian nation, it almost mandates that we would have government helping to feed the hungry. The people chose, through representatives they elected, to use government services to feed the hungry of the nation.

And you ONLY do what the bible instructs, nothing beyond. Does the bible instruct you to drive a car, or use a microwave oven???? Your comments are just stupid, sorry to put it so bluntly.
The Faiths of the Founding Fathers fell into three religious categories:

1. The smallest group, founders who had left their Judeo-Christian heritages and become advocates of the Enlightenment religion of nature and reason called "Deism". These figures included Thomas Paine and Ethan Allen.

2. The founders who remained practicing Christians. They retained a supernaturalist world view, a belief in the divinity of Jesus Christ, and an adherence to the teachings of their denomination. These founders included Patrick Henry, John Jay, and Samuel Adams. Holmes also finds that most of the wives and daughters of the founders fell into this category.

3. The largest group consisted of founders who retained Christian loyalties and practice but were influenced by Deism. They believed in little or none of the miracles and supernaturalism inherent in the Judeo-Christian tradition. Holmes finds a spectrum of such Deistic Christians among the founders, ranging from John Adams and George Washington on the conservative right to Benjamin Franklin and James Monroe on the skeptical left.
The Faiths of the Founding Fathers - Wikipedia

Our country was formed on the belief of freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM religion. The cornerstone of their founding principles was not to eliminate religion in government, but to prohibit the establishment of a governing religion.

Enlightened Christians use the Bible as a source of wisdom to guide their lives, not to direct every decision they make.

Hopefully your enlightenment is imminent. Perhaps tolerance and temperateness would then follow.