“The Body of Christ” with Integrity (On Topic Only”


Well-Known Member
Hebrew Christians, those who were born into the linage of Abraham and were subject to the Law of Moses needed this teaching. The gospel age ended the Law of Moses. Jesus is the High Priest now.Thus the book.
Many Jews were there in Acts 2 and heard Peter’s sermon. Many, 3000, responded in obedience.
Acts 2:16 “This is that which was prophesied by Joel... in the last days...
The Christian dispensation began on the day the gospel was first preached and people became Christians and the Lord added them to His church Acts 2:47
So Jesus didn't preach the good news? Lol


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Curious what your definition of Christian is.
The disciples were first called Christians at Antioch ( Acts 11:26)
The short answer to the definition that the New Testament gives for who a Christian is, is one who is begotten by the word of God through obedience to the truth (I Pet. 1:3, 22-25).
He becomes obedient to the Christ (Heb. 5:8-9) in believing, repenting of sins, confessing the name of Jesus, and being immersed in His name for the remission of sins (Matt. 28:19-20, Mark 16:15-16, Rom. 10:10, Acts 2:38) .
No one who has failed to render obedience can properly be called a Christian according to New Testament teaching.


Binge Poster
For those of you who at one point or another decided to look to God for some answers was whether you were going to hell when you died the main question or were you more interested in how your life got so messed up and how could God make it better?

When I returned to the God of my youth, I had no doubt that I was going to heaven when I died but I was still living a broken, pointless, sad life and I came back to God in need of salvation from my miserable earthly existence. That is exactly what he provided. Thanks be to God.

God is good!!
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Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
1 Peter 5:7 “ he cares for you.”
How does one give honor, praise, and glory to God who has rescued them from the deepest places of despair?
We show our love and gratitude to him by our humble obedience. “ If you love me, keep my commandments.” John 14:15
God is good. Are we?
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Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
It is because of, the shedding of blood washes sin away for those that trust God, not water.

Ephesians 4:5 is clear, dogmatic
One Lord, one faith, one baptism,

Ephesians 4:5

One Lord, one faith, one baptism,

Precise, dogmatic language,
I affirm once again that Holy Spirit baptism was not the baptism that Jesus commissioned his disciples to do (Holy Spirit baptism cannot be administered by man) when they were told to go into all the world and preach the gospel." He that believes and is baptized shall be saved",( Mark 16:16 ). In Matthew 28 ( The Great Commission ) "And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. "
Holy Spirit baptism is not "in the name " or by the authority of".
The promise of Holy Spirit baptism, as I have stated before was given to the Apostles. Not you. Not me.
Holy Spirit baptism was simply a baptism of power given to to be able to preform the miraculous. These miracles confirmed the word being preached was from God.
As a result ofHoly Spirit baptism the Apostles would be taught all things( John 14:26) They would remember all things that Jesus had taught them (John 14:26) They would receive testimony concerning Jesus (John 15:26 ) They would be guided into all truth John 16:13 They would learn of things to come (John 16:13) They would receive power( Acts 1:5-8) They would become witnesses for Jesus( Acts 1:5-8) They spoke with tongues or languages they had not previously known( Acts 2:4-11) They were empowered to preach the Gospel of Christ for the first time (Acts 2:14)They were able to confirm that they were the men of God with the message of God (Heb. 2:3-4)

As I have stated before, this baptism of power came to the Apostles in Acts 2. I also stated it happened again in Acts 10. That is the only two times it has ever happened. Two times and only two times did it happen.
In Acts 10, like Acts 2 , the power came for a reason. It came to Cornelius' household Acts 10 because God wanted Peter and the Apostles to know that the Gentiles were candidates, just like the Jews to hear and respond to the gospel. Holy Spirit baptism resulted in them speaking in languages they had not previously known (Acts 10:46) The Jews were astonished that the Gentiles received the gift as well as the Apostles (Acts 11:15-17; 11:15-17) After this happened, Peter was convinced the Gentiles were to receive the blessings of the gospel( Acts 10:47) All the Jews come to realize that "God also to the Gentiles granted repentance unto life . . (Acts 11:18; 15:8-9)
The baptism of the Holy Spirit was always a gift. No one in all the New Testament was ever commanded to be baptized in the Holy Spirit.
The last place in the Bible of anyone involved with Holy Spirit baptism was the household of Cornelius in Acts 10. That would have been about the year 43 A.D. The book of Ephesians, written about 64 A.D.
In Ephesians 4:5- one Lord and one faith, one baptism.
The design and purpose of Holy Spirit baptism as taught in the scripture is plain to see. It was never for or in order to gain remission of sins and salvation. That was the purpose of water baptism (Acts 2:38; 8:35-39; 22:16). And that is the baptism those at Ephesus submitted to for the remission of their sins and to be added to the church at Ephesus.
Precise, dogmatic language.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
NT was written in common Greek, and there is nothing common today about the language in the KJV. Was meant to be easily read. The NAS, I believe, is the most word for word translation.
I like..
1. English Standard Version.
2.New American Standard
3. New King James Version

NIV (Non Inspired Version) is the worst. Loaded with Calvinism