3100 Hours Worked


Well-Known Member
On many occasions I sacrificed my paycheck to allow a more junior employee a chance to gain valuable working experience. :happy-very:

Thank you!!! In the past years that helped us coverage drivers out alot. You see all us younger drivers have small kids so the $$$$ really helps out when the senior driver opt to voluntary take time off so we can work!! Thanks again!!


Thank you!!! In the past years that helped us coverage drivers out alot. You see all us younger drivers have small kids so the $$$$ really helps out when the senior driver opt to voluntary take time off so we can work!! Thanks again!!

I do that for the Part-timers inside (take VLOs), especially the past 2 months with fading volume and economy - and a few of those are upset or jealous at me because THEY had over 3.5 hours and I'm out the door at the start.

Would have easy 2000+hours as of Nov 22 without VLO

It's funny how different things can be in the same general operation.


Well-Known Member
1994 hours so far this year. I never have, and unless I have no choice never will work through a vacation. The company gives me that time off for a reason and you bet your butt I am going to take it.


Learning the system
Well, I'm just a cover driver but I've worked 1200 as of this last pay check... so probably another 150 or so before the end of the year.

Bad Gas!

Well-Known Member
I'm glad to go over the new contract requirement of a pension year 1800 hours. I was out 2 months with injury. Many folkes don't know that you need 1801 for a pension year; and 156 reports for all vacations paid in the next year..


Man of Great Wisdom
Thank you!!! In the past years that helped us coverage drivers out alot. You see all us younger drivers have small kids so the $$$$ really helps out when the senior driver opt to voluntary take time off so we can work!! Thanks again!!

Just wait, small kids are cheap compared to kids driving, kids in college etc.


Well-Known Member
Just wait, small kids are cheap compared to kids driving, kids in college etc.

...and it doesn't stop there. I thought once my daughter graduated from college I would be done paying for her--yeah, right! (To be fair, she will have taken over all of her bills 1 Jan 09) and my son recently moved back in with me even though I (jokingly) told him that my front door was an "Exit Only" door.


Retired 23 years
You are only done paying for your kids when your wife says you are---and that ain't gonna happen.:wink2: I stiil haven't figured out why when my daughter and her family come to visit us- we pay for all the groceries but when we visit her - guess what - we pay for the groceries there also.:peaceful:


1960hrs...part time

until the recent unpleasantness i was working 6days with a 10+hr sat.

more interesting thread is highest pt year gross lol. im going to be over 50k, and ive heard of 60+


Learning the system
1960hrs...part time

until the recent unpleasantness i was working 6days with a 10+hr sat.

more interesting thread is highest pt year gross lol. im going to be over 50k, and ive heard of 60+
Haha yeah, that would also be a pretty interesting thread. I'm PT and I'll be at about 40k.


Learning the system
i dont think we will be gettin those hours next year though...
You very well might be right. I keep really good records of the days that I work, and I have a spreadsheet which displays a number representing how many days I worked in a given week. Just looking down the list month by month of the last 6 months you can see the numbers drop off dramatically... I fear much of this next year until the economy/housing market/whatever turns around some. My only fleeting hope right now is retirees this year, and somehow managing to have people sign the bid sheets for FT that don't actually want to do it (which always happens, but to what extent varies from sheet to sheet).


Huge Member
In this economy, I can't see how someone would retire. I would keep on working 'til the recession turned the corner.:sad-little:

But obviously, I have a long way to go before I make that decision
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