4th of July


Well-Known Member
Has anybody heard how UPS and rest of the corporate America handling it since it falls on Saturday. Do we just get the weekend off??


Well-Known Member
Yup, we will just get the weekend off, but we will get paid for it so its a few extra hours on that week's paycheck that can be spent on a few more fireworks this year.


New Member
Not sure if this is true but i was told we will only get sat. and sun. off but will be paid out for the 4th so it will show an extra day on your check I hope this is true


Box Monkey
Usually we have just Sat and Sunday off but we still get paid the extar holiday pay even though the holiday falls on a Saturday.


Though the holiday falls on a Saturday, you will be allowed to have Saturday off, due to the 4th of July. Your paychecks will not be affected.


Well-Known Member
when a holiday falls on saturday you get no extra day off but you do get holiday pay for the saturday.when it falls on sunday we get monday off.
All holidays are paid 8 hours for FT.
IF the majority of America" business are closed on the 3rd, we might shut down but I wouldn't make any plans for that day. An d IF by chance we did shut down for the thrid, it would be without pay.


Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
As Upstate noted in another post,its amazing how many people who work here havn't got a clue about these matters. WAKE UP PEOPLE !!! Oh and while I'm here,where can I get UPS socks & how long till I get to fly the planes?????


Livin the cardboard dream
I've been told to expect to work on the 4th for Saturday air. If we work, that's time and a half plus holiday pay right?