A question for the engineers at UPS.....

Big Babooba

Well-Known Member
Simple engineering problem. If you have 10 men standing around the pond and they each consume 6 - 12 oz cans of beer per hour, then the water evaporation is a moot point. 8 men will do the trick, but I added 2 more for a margin of safety. But if they drink more than 6 beers per hour, the Law of Diminishing Returns comes into effect. Those poor boys may pee their pants thus decreasing the actual amount entering the pond. :smart:
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Simple engineering problem. If you have 10 men standing around the pond and they each consume 6 - 12 oz cans of beer per hour, then the water evaporation is a moot point. 8 men will do the trick, but I added 2 more for a margin of safety. But if they drink more than 6 beers per hour, the Law of Diminishing Returns comes into effect. Those poor boys may pee their pants thus decreasing the actual amount entering the pond. :smart:
OMG I am laughing so hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Then add to that the pond owner that claims the pond is leaking, but only when the water falls are on, and you have a three ring circus.

Actually the numbers can be pretty close, if you figure in the extra variables.

Im just not good enough for the task.

Actually, the water refil is automated. It is set to where it always remains within 1/4 inch of full.

I do not know of an equation that fills in all the variables, but I might have a way to address the owners question.
Put a flow meter on the incoming water feed line.
Do not run the waterfall for a day and read the flow from the automatic filling to keep the level within 1/4 inch.
Then, run the waterfall for a day and read the amount of water it takes to keep the pond at the same level.
You see where I am going.
If at standstill you have minimum loss,(judgment call/ based on all the equations of evaporation) and with the falls flowing you have a significant increase in water loss, then you might have a leak in the system.
At least this would give you a baseline of actual daily water consumption/ evaporation.


From the promised LAND
pointless unless you know the exact sqftage

But close enough to come up with an answer.

Actually running the falls is where the most evaporation will take place, as much as 20-50 times or more then when the water stands still.

Think about it. When the water stands still, the air directly at the surface is saturated with the vapor. That limits the amount of water that can be lost do to evaporation. Kinda like putting a thermal blanket on a swimming pool.

Now, add either wind or water movement, and that blanket is now gone. Add a lot of churn like you would see in a large falls, and you have a tremendous amount of surface area, much higher than the actuall square footage. Might be as much as 3 times the surface area quoted above when you figure in the water that is saturated with bubbles. And all that air is not loaded with moisture, and is now taking water from the pond. Couple that with a slow wind of 15-25MPh and you have a tremendous amount of water being carried from the pond.

As for leaks in the falls, there would be signs of leaks, especially since it has been fairly dry over the last few weeks.

He was terrified at the sound of that type of loss. Bottom line is that the cost of the water per month will be about 15-18 dollars added to the current water bill.
