Affirmative Action Struck Down By SCOTUS


Engorged Member
The Prince of Darkness is coming to crush lib schools.

Stephen Miller, Assistant Fuhrer operating underneath the Orange Fuhrer. Making sure that the will of the Right Wing is imposed upon the legal world in order to create and maintain Christo-Fascist ideals. He's going to be extremely disappointed when the entire law school student body is Asian and crushes his Aryan idealism.
The SCOTUS (and it's decisions) aren't supposed to be blatantly political, nor favor one ideology over another, but that's exactly what they've become, an arm of the Republican Party and a tool to enforce minority rule upon the rest of us.
May Stephen Miller join the entire SCOTUS, and President trump aboard Titan 2, the Stockton Rush designed cardboard and aluminum foil successor to Titan 2. It's a free trip. Bring Don Jr......please.


Engorged Member
What's wrong with rewarding kids who work hard to achieve good grades and test scores?
Here's what's really wrong, and Trump has championed it. It's the idea that SCOTUS is a political operation, and "his" court. It's no secret the Conservatives have been seeking to load the court since the days of Ronald Reagan. Their intention was, and is, to remake our laws to conform to their idea of what the USA should be. In other words, minority rule by Whites, for Whites, and their Christian God. Sorry, that isn't what the Founding Fathers all. We were never intended to be a country forever ruled by Republicans who would like to ensure that, no matter what, they are in power. That's what they want, and loading school boards, restricting voting, and giving Republican state "leadership" the ability to overturn election results are all signs of exactly what they're trying to accomplish.
Christo-fascism approaches, and it needs to be stopped dead in it's tracks.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
May Stephen Miller join the entire SCOTUS, and President trump aboard Titan 2, the Stockton Rush designed cardboard and aluminum foil successor to Titan 2. It's a free trip. Bring Don Jr......please.

Didn’t have death wishes on my BC bingo card for today but I guess this week’s Supreme Court decisions smacked leftists harder than I thought.


Inordinately Right
in the blue states it's decided by a licensed board certified physician.


Inordinately Right
The SCOTUS (and it's decisions) aren't supposed to be blatantly political, nor favor one ideology over another, but that's exactly what they've become
That's what they became with the radical left wing activist court.

Now the majority is starting to follow the constitution.

You hate that, because you hate the constitution, and you hate your country.

El Correcto

god is dead
How that argument develops has become very predictable. First it’s that they’re different and then it’s that they’re actually both biological and indistinguishable. @El Correcto helped me come to understand that a few days ago.
Let’s see where I said it’s distinguishable.
Just like your mouth and your ass are biological, very similar in what comes out of them on this topic, doesn’t mean they are indistinguishable from one another.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member

El Correcto

god is dead
Because you have to be able to justify there being no sex listed on a baby's birth certificate because of gender identity.
How science usually works is you make an observation, wow these babies have all been male and female, you establish your hypothesis, human beings are binary creatures, male and female, you start getting into the nitty gritty of why to explain the phenomenon and reach XY chromosomes theory, then suddenly you start studying chromosomes of infertile women and discover they to also have XY chromosomes.

Wow your theory just got turned upside down, there is now evidence against your theory of a sex binary in humans being. How about instead of performing barbaric surgeries on babies genitals to fit your theory of XY sex binaries you get to the bottom of how XY chromosomes really work. That’s where biology is now with sex, instead of reinforcing cultural norms, it’s more open minded about what it doesn’t know and how to proceed with actually knowing.

El Correcto

god is dead
Maybe instead of learning about what is natural from an orthodox Jewish real estate agent on Twitter, you go read what biologist have to say about the issue or endocrine specialists.
Just food for thought.

El Correcto

god is dead
Oh yeah I forgot you also get your opinions from stand comedians, cage fighting commentators and raging theocratic Christians on Twitter.
I’m sure those people are pointing you to a better scientific understanding of the world…


Well-Known Member
Here's what's really wrong, and Trump has championed it. It's the idea that SCOTUS is a political operation, and "his" court. It's no secret the Conservatives have been seeking to load the court since the days of Ronald Reagan. Their intention was, and is, to remake our laws to conform to their idea of what the USA should be. In other words, minority rule by Whites, for Whites, and their Christian God. Sorry, that isn't what the Founding Fathers all. We were never intended to be a country forever ruled by Republicans who would like to ensure that, no matter what, they are in power. That's what they want, and loading school boards, restricting voting, and giving Republican state "leadership" the ability to overturn election results are all signs of exactly what they're trying to accomplish.
Christo-fascism approaches, and it needs to be stopped dead in it's tracks.
So all those years the Court was liberal was perfectly fine but now the nasty Republicans are being fascists? Elections have consequences. The Left over reached. The pendulum swung back the other way. What is the Left's response? Talk of creating 2 new states that would likely have Democrat senators. Adding seats to SCOTUS and loading the court with liberals. Truly stacking the court. Making sure the Left regains and maintains complete control. And you call us fascists.

It was a good week for conservatism. But it probably won't last. The constant media drumbeat instilling fear will eventually swing the pendulum back. And once again the Left will go to extremes that make people uncomfortable and the pendulum will swing back yet again. And the Left will cry it's not fair, we're supposed to be in charge. How did these horrible Christians gain power? It certainly wasn't us who caused it. It's never us!
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Inordinately Right
It's the idea that SCOTUS is a political operation, and "his" court. It's no secret the Conservatives have been seeking to load the court since the days of Ronald Reagan. Their intention was, and is, to remake our laws to conform to their idea of what the USA should be. In other words, minority rule by Whites, for Whites, and their Christian God. Sorry, that isn't what the Founding Fathers all. We were never intended to be a country forever ruled by Republicans who would like to ensure that, no matter what, they are in power. That's what they want, and loading school boards, restricting voting, and giving Republican state "leadership" the ability to overturn election results are all signs of exactly what they're trying to accomplish.
So much projection.
That was just an entire rant listing what your own authoritarian party is doing, but pretending Republicans are the ones doing it.

Classic radical left wing tactic.



Engorged Member
Didn’t have death wishes on my BC bingo card for today but I guess this week’s Supreme Court decisions smacked leftists harder than I thought.

So all those years the Court was liberal was perfectly fine but now the nasty Republicans are being fascists? Elections have consequences. The Left over reached. The pendulum swung back the other way. What is the Left's response? Talk of creating 2 new states that would likely have Democrat senators. Adding seats to SCOTUS and loading the court with liberals. Truly stacking the court. Making sure the Left regains and maintains complete control. And you call us fascists.

It was a good week for conservatism. But it probably won't last. The constant media drumbeat instilling fear will eventually swing the pendulum back. And once again the Left will go to extremes that make people uncomfortable and the pendulum will swing back yet again. And the Left will cry it's not fair, we're supposed to be in charge. How did these horrible Christians gain power? It certainly wasn't us who caused it. It's never us!
Activist Court/Activist Judges.