All Drivers return to bldg and off the clock by 6:45 Sheet remaining stops as E C


Active Member
Re: All Drivers return to bldg and off the clock by 6:45 Sheet remaining stops as E

If you get stuck, they say why did you go down that lane. If you EC, they ask why didn't u deliver it. LOSE, Lose

browned out

Well-Known Member
Re: All Drivers return to bldg and off the clock by 6:45 Sheet remaining stops as E

we are lucky you have taken on this important mission to save us. Have you met integrity ( the guy in the yellow pj's?)

The ec was used only to make the numbers. It went out to all of Michigan and most of Ohio. It was a complete lack of integrity. The District Manager or whoever was in charge of this area has been removed or demoted. I could not get that answer from my on car sup on my safety ride. I told him it would be nice to use the EC on Halloween to get all drivers in before dark.
He replied; are you referring to the ec that went out during peak? He then stated that what happened at peak will not happen again and that the person who made that call suffered a very severe punishment.

They probably slapped him on the wrist or told him bad dog

Anyone know of any management moves or conference calls to managers addressing this total lack of integrity.


Well-Known Member
The ec was used only to make the numbers. It went out to all of Michigan and most of Ohio. It was a complete lack of integrity. The District Manager or whoever was in charge of this area has been removed or demoted. I could not get that answer from my on car sup on my safety ride. I told him it would be nice to use the EC on Halloween to get all drivers in before dark.
He replied; are you referring to the ec that went out during peak? He then stated that what happened at peak will not happen again and that the person who made that call suffered a very severe punishment.

They probably slapped him on the wrist or told him bad dog

Anyone know of any management moves or conference calls to managers addressing this total lack of integrity.

This sounds like a question that brown cafes own sluth Integrity should look I, are you listening???


Livin the cardboard dream
Re: All Drivers return to bldg and off the clock by 6:45 Sheet remaining stops as E

There's a lot of twilight trailers that have to leave by 9 to make their preload destinations on in a sense...they are servicing customers...but it does suck.
Re: All Drivers return to bldg and off the clock by 6:45 Sheet remaining stops as E

LAUGH OUT LOUD. UPS AND INTEGRITY IN THE SAME SENTENCE? On the snow day MONDAY in the Nassau Hub where I work the manager told union employees to come to work. Then an hour later as they were driving in a snow storm told them stay home. He also made his management people come in and risk their lives by driving in that mess. He then made a "deal" with any union employees that couldn't be reached in time and did show up. They wound up going home. We then found out from a part time supervisor the next day that five full time supervisors and about ten part time supervisors processed all the work. This manager also told his management team to lie to the union employees and tell them the place was closed. He tricked his own people by saying if no union people show up everyone can go home. Well, all the union people did go home and they still ran the sort and the management folks were the ones that got tricked into doing the actual work. UPS management......... LEADING WITH INTEGRITY ... wait a second



Binge Poster
Re: All Drivers return to bldg and off the clock by 6:45 Sheet remaining stops as E

This sounds like a question that brown cafes own sluth Integrity should look I, are you listening???

I am listening.

I do not have this information.




Re: All Drivers return to bldg and off the clock by 6:45 Sheet remaining stops as E

LAUGH OUT LOUD. UPS AND INTEGRITY IN THE SAME SENTENCE? On the snow day MONDAY in the Nassau Hub where I work the manager told union employees to come to work. Then an hour later as they were driving in a snow storm told them stay home. He also made his management people come in and risk their lives by driving in that mess. He then made a "deal" with any union employees that couldn't be reached in time and did show up. They wound up going home. We then found out from a part time supervisor the next day that five full time supervisors and about ten part time supervisors processed all the work. This manager also told his management team to lie to the union employees and tell them the place was closed. He tricked his own people by saying if no union people show up everyone can go home. Well, all the union people did go home and they still ran the sort and the management folks were the ones that got tricked into doing the actual work. UPS management......... LEADING WITH INTEGRITY ... wait a second


Some people may or may not believe you, but I can vouch no one worked but management on the same day in our center (and infact the entire hub I would imagine.


happy exupser
Re: All Drivers return to bldg and off the clock by 6:45 Sheet remaining stops as E

Drivers should have been instructed to sheet each package as 1. "missed" if no attempt was made or 2. "EC" if road or driveway was impassible... that would be the correct way for both the customer and the driver..and it would be fair to each. If the Ctr Team did not do that then THEY have an integrity issue, but what else is new..