Am I going to get fired?


Well-Known Member
i found it on youtube but i cant watch it :( as for youtube removing the video you can contact them and they will do can also flag it


Well-Known Member
Strange the UPS muscle didn't just contact youtube directly and have it removed
Just like when they remove UPS uniforms for sale on eBay... etc etc..


Tea anyone ?
Here’s what bothers me about the situation. You remove the video, no problem. Someone else may have downloaded the video and re-posts it. Do you think management will believe you are innocent?

I agree with scratch, let the picture taking and video work stay in the hands of management. Yes, I have a cell phone camera, and yes I have used it at work. If I snap a picture while on the clock you can bet my sup will be looking at the shot. The shot will also be in some way a benefit to UPS. You don’t (I hope) walk into a neighbor’s house and start taking pictures without permission, why do it at work?

what r the chances of some random person downloading a really boring video of a guy moving boxes , noticing its been taken off you tube and re posting the same video back on you tube . even then , managment would have to check to make sure it hadnt been re posted to find it again to start any paperwork. I cant belive i just explained that.