American Exceptionalism Is Really................


Well-Known Member
American Exceptionalism is as real as Kryptonite and the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

Is American Exceptionalism real? No, of course not. It's mostly a PR campaign to convince Americans not to question authority who turn around and tell the masses our actions are of some divine and moral purpose. When you throw out the god card, anything becomes justified and an honest read of the Old Testament has blood dripping pages to prove that point as just one example.And not unlike the historical pages of American history too.

Every society, every culture is going to have its moments and people of exceptionalism. As humans, funny we will accidentally from time to time do that. But we'll also have our share of monsters to go with it. Most of the real human exceptionalism goes unnoticed, day in day out, people just do awesome stuff that little is said of it.

Sometimes we even do exceptional things and we don't even take notice of it but later the evidence of the outcome looks us in the face and we still may not connect the dots. Typically this is when we project these good things coming from a construct we create and then everyone is expected to pay homage and allegiance too it. And these actions of allegiance crosses party lines as well, just manifested in different ways behind different words. Outcomes still the same as everyone is expected to worship Molech or some other similar form.

I've always been fascinated with the lyrics of the christian doxology written by Thomas Ken in 1674'. Many church going christians will recognize the longstanding call to worship as do myself but I was once amazed at how easy one word could change in it and it still not lose a thing in its meaning and intent.

"Praise State, from Whom all blessings flow;
Praise State, all creatures here below;
Praise State above, ye heav’nly host;
Praise President, Congress, and Supreme Court."

To me, when you knowingly or unknowingly get to that point, you've bought American Exceptionalism hook, line and sinker. Because you fail to see the individual humans behind the action and you project the only way this is possible is for there to be a "GOD" in control of it all. And many times that god may sit itself in the high places but such places are purely of earthly origins.

Humans have the capacity for exceptionalism and not human created constructs used to control humans.