Anyone else running triple shifters?


Well-Known Member
Lenexa hub is. Day and Twi are hitting overtime every day. We are working sups because we exhausted the double shift list. Word is it'll be this way till after peak.

How is the rest of the hub network doing?
No double shifters at my building. Lucky to get your 3 1/2 on twi. No OT on the other sorts. Besides it has been way to hot and the Fair starts next week.


Well-Known Member
Come peak no additional staffing the operation will fall behind. Trailers will sit for days. If region has to send help, to deal with backlog.

Management in charge will lose their job for allowing that to happen.
Come peak no additional staffing the operation will fall behind. Trailers will sit for days. If region has to send help, to deal with backlog.

Management in charge will lose their job for allowing that to happen.
Come Peak all the rules go out the window. I think I will be able to gross $2500/wk bagging smalls double shifting 7 days a week.


Hubs are a different animal.

In ours, it's hard to keep anyone more than a few months. I don't ever remember seeing turnover so high.

Anyway, as a result (in part) We're allowed to extend to most any shift, provided enough seniority. Basically, if you have more than 5 or 10 years as a part-timer, you can extend to some shifts easily. And with 15+ years I get a little more preference. And I might consider it now that school is starting, weather is cooler and business will only be increasing.


Well-Known Member
Was working doubles and a few triples here the last month or so. As of last week they are now saying no doubles. New people don't stay long around here.