Ashamed to be an American


Well-Known Member
Trump is doing his level best to self-crucify. Now, he's dangling a massive cutback of NATO in return for Russia lowering it's number of nukes. This, at a time when Russia is the main threat (think Ukraine) to NATO countries. Again, is Trump just ignorant or is he a patsy?

Do you think maybe he really is working for the Russians? Again, show us those taxes, Donald, so we know you're not a traitor.

No taxes? The doubt will always remain.

Making Russia Great Again.


Well-Known Member
Look at the world map conflict zones and other hot spots. It would help to form temporary alliances even with a political adversaries to defend the whole western political/societal identity. Or just give up. Remember WWII and our alliances. Read friend--k sharia law
Do you think Russia gives a friend* about Western Society? You really are gullible and naive if you believe that.


Well-Known Member
Not prepared to make that conclusion myself on what I know about said poster but I might can understand why you are willing to do so.
??? That he makes up whatever to support his view?

@tieguy @teamer @newfie has never been honest about anything. When something happens over and over for a long period of time, I accept it as likely.

He never disappoints.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
That's not what I got out of his statements at all. Not that it matters.

Not gonna happen no matter what mad dog says. No one cares anymore. Move on.
Correct no one cares if your gay. however they will care when women start coming back in body bags if they draft them to

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
I'm ashamed to be an American at this point because of all the celebrities and politicians who are embarrassing the rest of Americans. I turned on the news to see the number of House Democrats sitting out the Inauguration is now 42, and who knows how many celebrities.

The pomp and circumstance of an Inauguration is supposed to represent a smooth transfer of power. Whether or not one voted for, or even likes Trump, at this point is a moot point. He WILL be sworn in on Friday.

The world looks to us as a beacon of a civilized political system. Is it perfect, no. Not possible. Stop embarrassing us in front of the world.


Well-Known Member
Snowflake? Is that really all you have?

it perfectly defines the mental drama your liberal folks engage in every day. You don't appear to be weak minded like the rest in your flock. Maybe instead of bashing those who identify this twisted state of mind on your side you should or could encourage these weak minded cowards to toughen up?


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
it perfectly defines the mental drama your liberal folks engage in every day. You don't appear to be weak minded like the rest in your flock. Maybe instead of bashing those who identify this twisted state of mind on your side you should or could encourage these weak minded cowards to toughen up?
it is,like giving someone something forever and you say no one day. everything blows up that day because they didn't get their way.


Engorged Member
I'm ashamed to be an American at this point because of all the celebrities and politicians who are embarrassing the rest of Americans. I turned on the news to see the number of House Democrats sitting out the Inauguration is now 42, and who knows how many celebrities.

The pomp and circumstance of an Inauguration is supposed to represent a smooth transfer of power. Whether or not one voted for, or even likes Trump, at this point is a moot point. He WILL be sworn in on Friday.

The world looks to us as a beacon of a civilized political system. Is it perfect, no. Not possible. Stop embarrassing us in front of the world.

Now it's 53 Democrats. The peaceful transition of power line is crap, and comes from the campaign, where Trump threatened not to accept the results...unless he won. Remember? This was before Russian interference became readily apparent. We really don't know the extent until he releases the taxes and the investigations are all over. He hasn't, and they aren't.

The legitimacy of Trump's election is in question. He absolutely will be sworn-in, but that doesn't mean he got there legitimately. All Trump cares about is himself and "winning". I doubt he'd worry at all about cheating to get there. His continuing softness on Russia is both bothersome and a very possible indication that he is beholden to Russia. Oh, and those taxes he won't release. Another dig at the legitimacy. Oops. Almost forgot the refusal to divest his assets.

The world is seeing our democracy at it's worst, and it's due to Trump, not our process. He is an embarrassment, probably insane, and very dangerous. He already has the world in turmoil. Not our process...him.

So, yes. Right now there are plenty reasons to be ashamed.


Well-Known Member
Now it's 53 Democrats. The peaceful transition of power line is crap, and comes from the campaign, where Trump threatened not to accept the results...unless he won. Remember? This was before Russian interference became readily apparent. We really don't know the extent until he releases the taxes and the investigations are all over. He hasn't, and they aren't.

The legitimacy of Trump's election is in question. He absolutely will be sworn-in, but that doesn't mean he got there legitimately. All Trump cares about is himself and "winning". I doubt he'd worry at all about cheating to get there. His continuing softness on Russia is both bothersome and a very possible indication that he is beholden to Russia. Oh, and those taxes he won't release. Another dig at the legitimacy. Oops. Almost forgot the refusal to divest his assets.

The world is seeing our democracy at it's worst, and it's due to Trump, not our process. He is an embarrassment, probably insane, and very dangerous. He already has the world in turmoil. Not our process...him.

So, yes. Right now there are plenty reasons to be ashamed.

I too am ashamed....that you are an american