Biden Clueless, Illegal's Flooding In! Open Boarders!


Well-Known Member

Now this is a politician who cares about the citizens he represents. Kudos to him.
During the last surge in 2019, Lozano said migrants were being dumped by US Border patrol at a 7-11 convenience store and, while a respite center has since opened in the town, the city is still responsible for the migrants once they’re dropped off.

El Correcto

god is dead
im sorry but posting your cult’s join the movement propaganda isn’t convincing anyone Biden isn’t undoing 4 years of wonderful immigration reform. After that Mexico/US amnesty agreement, I thought we were on the road to a solution. Now we are just back where we started, children in cages and Mexicans running loose through out Texas.

Texas did a better job of enforcing it’s own borders and territory back in the day, America is letting the Mexicans and their cartels walk all over us and damage our society.


Well-Known Member
im sorry but posting your cult’s join the movement propaganda isn’t convincing anyone Biden isn’t undoing 4 years of wonderful immigration reform. After that Mexico/US amnesty agreement, I thought we were on the road to a solution. Now we are just back where we started, children in cages and Mexicans running loose through out Texas.

Texas did a better job of enforcing it’s own borders and territory back in the day, America is letting the Mexicans and their cartels walk all over us and damage our society.
Only your cult believes the cartels retreated the past 4 years. They are here because of simple economics. Where there's a demand, there will always be a supply. Ttku...

El Correcto

god is dead
Only your cult believes the cartels retreated the past 4 years. They are here because of simple economics. Where there's a demand, there will always be a supply. Ttku...
I’m not naive enough to think it was all done with and wonderful.
But the red carpet wasn’t rolled out for them.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
Scrapping remain in mexico, stopping the building of the wall, scrapping the safe third country deals and then saying the boarder is open kind of causes problems


Retired 22 years
Now they are showing the friggin illegals living in crowded conditions. Boo Hoo---cry me a river. These ying yangs thought they were going to be met by the local Welcome Wagon.


Retired 22 years

Biden sucks--------period