Bush worst president ever?


Well-Known Member
:happy2:I find that I am now spending too much time on this website --- but just like most of AMERICA'S SILENT MAJORITY --it is time to speak up.
Klein--I realize that you are Canadian --God knows me and you have been through that enough already on different threads ---but --YOU continue to rant on how Bush alone LIED to the entire world on weapons of mass destruction --you Believe you are fair --CONSIDER THESE FACTS:
1. THE U.S. President you seem to love and admire Clinton---called for regime change in Iraq long befora Bush and claimed that saddam had not only gassed the Kurds but was a real and present danger to the U.S. GORE ALSO VOICED THIS SETIMENT ---JOHN KERRY --I am sure you know the name --also said saddam hussien had WMD"S -----I CAN GIVE YOU MANY MANY MORE EXAMPLES ---THe left NOW HAS amnesia --BUSH LIED LA LA LA !!! So many people Blindly REPEAT IT !!!
MORE REAL FACTS ------OVER 3000 INNOCENT AMERICANS DIED ON SEPT 11th ----as a NEW YORKER ---I had a relative and many friends and associates lost that day.
Read the 911 commission report !!!
Question -prior to sept 11 --SHOULD Clinton have been PROACTIVE --AND DESTROYED BIN LADEN ???
Question --After 17 "strong" UN resolutions ---Saddam always playing games with U.N. inspectors --one of the final reports --missing documentation ---U.N. -food for oil disgrace that would have led to even more problems ---DO you honestly believe being PROACTIVE WAS WRONG?
The only mistake regarding Iraq that I will critize Bush for -----When the U.S. went in --found no weapons of mass destruction ----I WOULD HAVE LEFT AND TOLD kOFI ANNAN --HIS SON AND THE THIEVES RELATED TO FOOD FOR OIL ---yOU CLEAN IT UP ---also --war is not pretty --I would not have had our young marines walk into fallugia(misspelled) --I would have used the technology we have --the city would not be there !!


Für Meno :)
:happy2:I find that I am now spending too much time on this website --- but just like most of AMERICA'S SILENT MAJORITY --it is time to speak up.
Klein--I realize that you are Canadian --God knows me and you have been through that enough already on different threads ---but --YOU continue to rant on how Bush alone LIED to the entire world on weapons of mass destruction --you Believe you are fair --CONSIDER THESE FACTS:
1. THE U.S. President you seem to love and admire Clinton---called for regime change in Iraq long befora Bush and claimed that saddam had not only gassed the Kurds but was a real and present danger to the U.S. GORE ALSO VOICED THIS SETIMENT ---JOHN KERRY --I am sure you know the name --also said saddam hussien had WMD"S -----I CAN GIVE YOU MANY MANY MORE EXAMPLES ---THe left NOW HAS amnesia --BUSH LIED LA LA LA !!! So many people Blindly REPEAT IT !!!
MORE REAL FACTS ------OVER 3000 INNOCENT AMERICANS DIED ON SEPT 11th ----as a NEW YORKER ---I had a relative and many friends and associates lost that day.
Read the 911 commission report !!!
Question -prior to sept 11 --SHOULD Clinton have been PROACTIVE --AND DESTROYED BIN LADEN ???
Question --After 17 "strong" UN resolutions ---Saddam always playing games with U.N. inspectors --one of the final reports --missing documentation ---U.N. -food for oil disgrace that would have led to even more problems ---DO you honestly believe being PROACTIVE WAS WRONG?
The only mistake regarding Iraq that I will critize Bush for -----When the U.S. went in --found no weapons of mass destruction ----I WOULD HAVE LEFT AND TOLD kOFI ANNAN --HIS SON AND THE THIEVES RELATED TO FOOD FOR OIL ---yOU CLEAN IT UP ---also --war is not pretty --I would not have had our young marines walk into fallugia(misspelled) --I would have used the technology we have --the city would not be there !!

I agree with you, the issue Saddam Hussein should have been finished with after 1991 Gulfwar (wasn't it Schwarzenkopf) who wanted to finish the job ?
911 is a sad story, by all means. Trust me , tears on this side of the border, too.
But, don't think anything was ever linked to Iraq.
It was the taliban, operating out of Afghanistan, Pakistan, and maybe Iran.
I never said I was a Clinton -lover, but I do know, he left office with budget surpluses.
And to be real honest, Mrs Clinton is acting like a big jerk. Never knew she could be that much of a b..tch.
As far as I know, Oil is flowing from Iraq now to the US, wouldn't be the case if you dropped the big one ! Besides , thats not the way to go, not at all.


Für Meno :)
This coumtry is changing for the better but you still have a lot of brain washed fools that will go to there graves believing that Bush who they voted for twice was a good president.

A bit outdated, but still something to laugh about.:

Air Farce: Oval Office


This coumtry is changing for the better but you still have a lot of brain washed fools that will go to there graves believing that Bush who they voted for twice was a good president.

I think your bias against Bush actually brain washs you against judging Bush objectively.

Looking at Bushs tenure objectively Bush and his congress of the last two years get blame for the economic collapse.

Looking at it objectively He responded very favorably to the events of 9/11 and showed strong leadership in response by going after the taliban and Al Qhaida in afghanistan. Bush will score very high on leadership.

Looking at Iraq objectively he developed a coalition of liberal leaders from the left who had their own unfettered sources of intelligence support his efforts to invade Iraq.
If Iraq ends up turning into a beacon of democracy in the middle east and ends up securing and stabalizing that region then historians will view that very favorably.

Bush can not end up rated in the bottom ten. Bush was reelected to a second term. That alone precludes him from a bottom finish by historians.

If Iraq continues to develop favorably and infects the rest of the region with democracy then many historians will view that action very favorably.

So while your biases keep you from judging bush as anything as the dumbas from texas there is a good chance that Bush could end up much higher then you thought when the final review is objectively done.


Für Meno :)
Canadians join global peace rally

Last Updated: Saturday, February 15, 2003 | 10:48 PM ET

CBC News

At least 150,000 Canadians braved the cold with a fervent message of peace Saturday, joining a worldwide day of protest against war in Iraq. The largest demonstration was in Montreal, where an estimated 100,000 people marched through the streets, chanting: "No to war, yes to peace" in French and English.
They gathered in front of Complexe Guy Favreau, the city's main federal building and denounced Washington's threats to use force against Baghdad.

St. Catherine St. in Montreal

The crowd carried banners with messages like: "Stop Bush" and "A village in Texas has lost its idiot." One French sign read "Shut your mouth," with the word "bouche" replaced by "Bush."
Bloc Québécois Leader Gilles Duceppe said the United States should not act against Iraq without the approval of the United Nations.
In Vancouver, about 20,000 people streamed through the city's core, filling a 10-block stretch of one busy street. In Toronto, about 10,000 protesters rallied outside the U.S. consulate.

Toronto's march

Demonstrations were held in at least 60 other towns and cities, including Halifax, Windsor, Fredericton, Edmonton and Victoria. Men, women and children came out even though temperatures were below –20 C in some spots.
Canada's peace movement is building as the U.S. inches closer to launching military action against Iraq, according to NDP Leader Jack Layton.
"There's no question Canadians are beginning to become worried and fearful," Layton said in Toronto. "But more and more of them expressing their views like this opens up the door to some hope."

Protesting in Toronto

Toronto resident Elaine Brandt called the worldwide anti-war marches wonderful. She said Saturday's protest is the second one she's been to in two months.

Halifax protest

"I am here to voice my opinion against the murder of innocent Iraqi citizens. We cannot continue to deal with political issues with violence. The bottom line is innocent people will pay. And that's what I am against," said Brandt.
"Thirty-five years ago, we were protesting the Vietnam War that was a waste of time and a waste of innocent lives," said another woman in the crowd. "And here we are again."


Für Meno :)
Moreluck, I know I shouldn't be involved in your political debates.

But, sometimes you need to see it from another countries view.

It's outdated, but I do agree, Bush could have waited until UN approval.
Everyone would have pitched in, would have costed you less.
Give Saddam the benefit of the doubt for another month or 2.

But, he had to rush in.
As we all know, there was no need to ruch into it, like he did.

But, it's ok.
Tieguy might be right, and something good might come out of it , yet.
Only time will tell.
But , the whole costs of that war, could have been drastically reduced, if it was UN approved, and also less body bags to bring back home.


Well-Known Member
:dead:The same protestors who were against the war in Vietnam are now calling for all troops out of Iraq ---HOW SAD !!!!!!
They truly believe that this is the right thing to do even after the consequences of deserting Vietnam.
I personally found it funny and very sad at the same time when TED TURNER tHIS year discussed his wanting the troops withdrawn from Vietnam --protests led by his wife Hanoi Jane. When the interviewer presented the facts that millions of innocent people lost their lives both in Vietnam and Cambodia after the U.S. left -----the super intelligent LIBERAL Turner ----responded by saying "I DID NOT KNOW THAT "
Typical Liberal !!!!!!
On another talk show this year --Hollywood producer Oliver Stone claimed he was always a conservative until NIXON'S war in Vietnam.
Another re-write of History by the liberals ----It was the saint JFK who put the first Americans in --AND --it was the Great society LBJ --who LIED --can anyone say Bay of Tonkin --- THAT EXPANDED THE WAR !!!!!


Well-Known Member
There is something in the U.S. we refer to as "LA--LA LAND"
If you were to look a little closer at the situation in the UN at that time regarding Iraq--IT WAS CORRUPT !!!!! Only the U.S. and Britian on the security council would vote for action against IRAQ. Russia --France with support from Germany ---the corrupt Kofi Annan and his son --Had an oil for food greedy illegal money making machine going on !!!
Lets just ignore reality and depend on the great UN ----what has it ever accomplished ?????
Also we can have waited for hell to freeze over ---the UN never would have gone against Iraq -------Clinton waited eight years while the world trade center was bombed the first time, the marine barracks bombed, the embassy bombings, the Cole bombing, the Somilia --Black hawk down --where we were trying to feed people ----AL Q --grew and Bin Laden saw America as weak.
As I said Yesterday --the world for many changed after sept 11th ----Easy to say today "I did not know if IRAQ had WMD's" After Saddam with Chemical Ali gasing his own people ------IGNORING 17-----AGAIN 17 --UNITED NATION RESOLUTIONS -------Easy as a Monday Morning Quarterback to say we should have waited. In 2001 -2002 -No American wanted to --lets wait and see what they do next -------Easy response ---Iraq had nothing to do with sept 11 -------Of couse they had no ill will towards the U.S. ----And Saddam would never figure out that through AL Q----we are an easy target


Für Meno :)
I guess you forgot former Yugoslavia.
Not sure if it was thru the UN or just Nato. Pretty much sure Russia was against it, but the majority won.
But it was a joint event.
Was over pretty much quickly, and resolved nicely.
It;s now 3 countries though. But atleast at peace.
One or 2 of them have joined the EU by now, or will be joining.

Thats a good example of Teamwork done well.

But, then there is also Afganistan, a NATO team.
Germans, French, Dutch, Italiens, more, sitting up north (nice and quiet), while Americans, Canadains, and the English are in the south actually fighting the war. (and paying the price of bodies and equipment).


Well-Known Member
Your response did not exactly address oil for food debacle ---other areas also debatable ---yugo and afgan----- but let me keep this short---
Present head of the U.N . stated this week that if the world does not immediately do something about Global Warming ----"THE WORLD WILL END IN FOUR MONTHS"
P.S. Australia today decided to ignore greenhouse gas reform because it will cripple their mining industry and further hurt their economy.
Maybe the U.N. head will change his prediction to three months !!!
Many Liberals here want the U.S. to become involved with the civil wars and genocide in Africa and also more in the fight against AIDS.
THE LIBERALS also fail to mention the huge amount of dollars George Bush gave to Africa to combat aids.
But while Millions DIE -----Maybe we should wait a few more years while we see what the U.N. decides ???? I probably would agee with you on this -----Gee I admit it -----I AM GETTING CONFUSED:dead:


Canadians join global peace rally

Last Updated: Saturday, February 15, 2003 | 10:48 PM ET

CBC News

At least 150,000 Canadians braved the cold with a fervent message of peace Saturday, joining a worldwide day of protest against war in Iraq. The largest demonstration was in Montreal, where an estimated 100,000 people marched through the streets, chanting: "No to war, yes to peace" in French and English.
They gathered in front of Complexe Guy Favreau, the city's main federal building and denounced Washington's threats to use force against Baghdad.

St. Catherine St. in Montreal

The crowd carried banners with messages like: "Stop Bush" and "A village in Texas has lost its idiot." One French sign read "Shut your mouth," with the word "bouche" replaced by "Bush."
Bloc Québécois Leader Gilles Duceppe said the United States should not act against Iraq without the approval of the United Nations.
In Vancouver, about 20,000 people streamed through the city's core, filling a 10-block stretch of one busy street. In Toronto, about 10,000 protesters rallied outside the U.S. consulate.

Toronto's march

Demonstrations were held in at least 60 other towns and cities, including Halifax, Windsor, Fredericton, Edmonton and Victoria. Men, women and children came out even though temperatures were below –20 C in some spots.
Canada's peace movement is building as the U.S. inches closer to launching military action against Iraq, according to NDP Leader Jack Layton.
"There's no question Canadians are beginning to become worried and fearful," Layton said in Toronto. "But more and more of them expressing their views like this opens up the door to some hope."

Protesting in Toronto

Toronto resident Elaine Brandt called the worldwide anti-war marches wonderful. She said Saturday's protest is the second one she's been to in two months.

Halifax protest

"I am here to voice my opinion against the murder of innocent Iraqi citizens. We cannot continue to deal with political issues with violence. The bottom line is innocent people will pay. And that's what I am against," said Brandt.
"Thirty-five years ago, we were protesting the Vietnam War that was a waste of time and a waste of innocent lives," said another woman in the crowd. "And here we are again."

why are we reviewing a news article from 2003?


Your response did not exactly address oil for food debacle ---other areas also debatable ---yugo and afgan----- but let me keep this short---
Present head of the U.N . stated this week that if the world does not immediately do something about Global Warming ----"THE WORLD WILL END IN FOUR MONTHS"
P.S. Australia today decided to ignore greenhouse gas reform because it will cripple their mining industry and further hurt their economy.
Maybe the U.N. head will change his prediction to three months !!!
Many Liberals here want the U.S. to become involved with the civil wars and genocide in Africa and also more in the fight against AIDS.
THE LIBERALS also fail to mention the huge amount of dollars George Bush gave to Africa to combat aids.
But while Millions DIE -----Maybe we should wait a few more years while we see what the U.N. decides ???? I probably would agee with you on this -----Gee I admit it -----I AM GETTING CONFUSED:dead:

thats the problem the UN is totally ineffective.


Moreluck, I know I shouldn't be involved in your political debates.

But, sometimes you need to see it from another countries view.

It's outdated, but I do agree, Bush could have waited until UN approval.
Everyone would have pitched in, would have costed you less.
Give Saddam the benefit of the doubt for another month or 2.

But, he had to rush in.

I'm not sure how you make that arguement when we went through 13 years of violated UN sanctions before "rushing in".


Für Meno :)
I'm not sure how you make that arguement when we went through 13 years of violated UN sanctions before "rushing in".

Atleast you have proven that Iraq was no immediate threat, had no weapons of massdestruction, heck they didn't even have much conventional power, such as tanks and armed vehichles.
He couldn't even start another war with Iran, nevermind the world.

It's your money, and the lives of your soldiers.

How times have changed since world war 2.
You didn't attack Japan until they attacked you, and didn't go against Germany, until 1942, when Hitler declared war against you.(3 years after it started).

I still think it could have waited, Iraq was no threat.
If things in Iraq would have eventually gotten worse, the UN would have came to a solution or atleast Nato.
Many call the UN useless, because they didn't step in hard enough.
But, like it's been proven - he was no threat.