cell phones


Well-Known Member
Fish, you kinda contradicted yourself here. On one hand you say it's easier for them to have your number and call you on duty and for you to call them about duty-related issues.

On the other hand, you admit it gets out of hand! Them calling you at DR office! I can't imagine this scenario...calling me on my off time...ON MY CELL PHONE!

OK, it may be easier to make one or two calls, BUT, are you getting paid by the hour? Are THEY the ones initiating the calls? If it's THEIR problem, then THEY gotta take the heat! In other words, they gotta wait til you get thru on that DIAD if that is procedure or they gotta wait til you can get to pay phone!

You say some messages don't even go thru on DIAD? Is that YOUR problem?

As a feeder driver, I use a hands-free, which has been approved, for my PERSONAL use. They have asked many times for my # but I merely tell them there are other ways of getting ahold of me and maybe they should have dispatched correctly in the first place.

Hi-tech, yeah, right!

Sorry, i didnt clarify enough. If they call me once or twice a week I have no problem with that. I also have no problem with other drivers calling me if they need help. This morning for instance, the guy who was doing the route next to me had 180 stops, he typically maxes out at 150. I had a bulk route but which only had 70 stops on it. I told him to call me or I'd call him by 2pm to give him a hand because I knew I would be done way too early. For an instance like that I find its easier & faster than sending a message to the center through the DIAD, having them set up a meet point for the two of us & by the time all that goes through it could take an hour. Sounds absurd I know 7 maybe our OMS's are slow or its just crappy DIADS. I dont know. So I could spend an hour waiting around for the meet point info or I could just call the other driver & have everything worked out in 10-15min. As much as I like getting paid to sit around because of lazy/incompetant manangers I do like to get the job done & get in at a reasonable time to eat dinner with the woman. When I complain about it getting out of hand I mean, them calling me at 4am because a buttload of preloaders called out & they need help, or them calling in the middle of the doc appt. or them calling me after I've already clocked out or (i love this one) them calling me when im covering an air route for them every 15min wanting to know when i'd be back with the truck because they need it for a last minute split route. That's when I turn my phone off.


Runnin on Empty
Right on Fredly! My sup would call me constantly... sowetimes while I was on my way to work. I never answered him, that's why they invented caller id. Finally he stopprd calling


What the hell is YOUPS??
I don't have a home phone so the cell is all I have and I'm pretty sure UPS requires that they have some way to contact you.

One guy at my centre disconnected his home phone some time ago, and refuses to give his cell number to ANYONE. UPS has no contact phone number for him on file.

As for myself, they have my home number, I call/text other drivers in my centre only for convinience, but I refuse to give management my cell number. If they need to get ahold of me when I'm off duty, they can phone me at home and leave a message on my machine.


Well-Known Member
It works the other way too. I've called the center and harrased whichever sup I can get ahold of. I find it quicker and easier than using diad messaging.

But I pretty much don't get or give calls unless it's pretty important or it'll save a lot of time over DIAD messaging.


Well-Known Member
Cell phones can be used as a useful tool when I was in packages.Only select customers had my #.Management did to as well as adddresses. (They needed it for emergencies such as Hurricanes and such)It was no big deal for me. In fact customers would call and tell me they had no pick ups or were blown out.It made the day easier to plan with instant communication.I understand if you feel other-wise,it should remain your choice.Now in feeders our cell phones is our lifeline,you can be sure most of us use cells.Plus we call our co-workers and keep each other awake and alert half the night.And also,dispatch needs constant communication with their drivers for scheduling and O/T opportunities.
Plus you can now take advantage of a corp. ups rate and save about 25% a month and claim it for tax purposes also.


Well-Known Member
And also,dispatch needs constant communication with their drivers for scheduling and O/T opportunities..

Diesel, I have to respectfully disagree with you. Here we've got, at least 5 friend/t supes, two managers, one friend/t scheduler. What is their job? To me, it's to dispatch and dispatch correctly! When I go out that door, I expect them to have done their job and not have to continually call me to update or change route when that should have been done before.

If they need additional p/u's or runs or overflows, they should know about this well ahead of time or...hire more people that can figger it out!

I just don't need them trying to skirt their responsiblities by calling me to bail them out.
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Well-Known Member
Happens here all the time. That's how everyone knows the gossip. For example, we had another on road sup quit yesterday. I didn't know about it since I don't talk on my cell phone to the office.


Well-Known Member
Diesel, I have to respectfully disagree with you. Here we've got, at least 5 friend/t supes, two managers, one friend/t scheduler. What is their job? To me, it's to dispatch and dispatch correctly! When I go out that door, I expect them to have done their job and not have to continually call me to update or change route when that should have been done before.

If they need additional p/u's or runs or overflows, they should know about this well ahead of time or...hire more people that can figger it out!

I just don't need them trying to skirt their responsiblities by calling me to bail them out.

I see your point,however holding a vacation cover bid run I am constantly contacted by dispatch(located in another hub 40 miles away) as to what run I want to choose for the following week. Sometimes I call them looking for more o/t than some of the routes offer. Also some of our local runs are work as directed.Lots of times we need trailer and bay numbers for the hub, rail-yard and airport .And with my cell the communication is quick and efficient.Also,when I need my next assignment the less I show my face in the dispatch office the better.I'm sure the more senority I gain,the more stable bid run I'll choose and eventually with hardly any cell communication with dispatch.


Staff member
Does having a cell phone get you more choice OT than a senior driver without a cell phone?

Seems to me it should go by seniority, NOT who they can contact the fastest via cell phone.

brown bomber

brown bomber
received a call on my cell this afternoon while on vacation in upstate New York, from one of my pickup customers in NE Ohio....he had not been picked up since Friday...apparently the swing driver had just done a drive-by..and never even got out of the pkg. car

the customer was frantic..several items were late..he tried calling the 800 number to no avail....I gave him phone # to center...this is one reason why I have a cell...to take care of the people and businesses on MY route


Well-Known Member
Does having a cell phone get you more choice OT than a senior driver without a cell phone?Abso-freaking-lutely,especially when you have a time sensitive trailers hanging at the airport or rail-yard

Seems to me it should go by seniority, NOT who they can contact the fastest via cell phone.
It's determined by urgency, logistics,and availabilty. If you don't have a cell phone you can not be contacted.

We have an expression called "kill a railbox" which means to take an empty railbox trailer back to the rail-yard,it;s always available for the taking(senior or non-senior drivers).....that's an hr--hr and half worth of o/t....I know of only one senior driver in my center w/o a cell phone.....and he only wants 40hrs/per week, thats it.All other senior drivers already have built in o/t on their runs...When dispatch is in a jam and has time sensitive trailers hanging,then yes the first driver they contact will be assigned the work.Work is always offered to senior drivers first when a route opens up due to illness or comp.


Well-Known Member
"It's determined by urgency, logistics,and availabilty. If you don't have a cell phone you can not be contacted."

Actually it's determined by seniority. Ask your Union rep. The cell phone issue is an absolute cop ut and would not hold up. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
I see your point,however holding a vacation cover bid run I am constantly contacted by dispatch(located in another hub 40 miles away) as to what run I want to choose for the following week. Sometimes I call them looking for more o/t than some of the routes offer. Also some of our local runs are work as directed.Lots of times we need trailer and bay numbers for the hub, rail-yard and airport .And with my cell the communication is quick and efficient.Also,when I need my next assignment the less I show my face in the dispatch office the better.I'm sure the more senority I gain,the more stable bid run I'll choose and eventually with hardly any cell communication with dispatch.

Ok, I concede on that point. Being a vac or on-call feeder driver is a little different, at least here.

Most of our lower senior drivers that don't have bid run or are on-call, essentially, HAVE to give company cell personal #'s. It's simply a matter of working or not working in many cases. Yes, it has come back to bite them in many instances also but that's part of being on the bottom.

I am required to call in my trailers from meet point every Sat morn. Why? Cuz when I get back, the place is a ghost town...no one there...I'm the last one in. They want #'s sos they can put them in puter. Well, I take company phone. It's shut off til I get there, turned on when I call #'s, turned off when I leave. The didn't want to give me company phone. I said, "Fine, you don't get #'s til I get here or you call origin". I get phone every Sat.

Sooo, yes, I understand the possible need if you're covering or on-call BUT, I also encourage all that get seniority and get bid run, that that number gets lost in their rolodex.


Well-Known Member
We actually had to sign a waiver indicating that we promised not to talk on the phone AT ALL, period. No cell phone calls during work hours . . . yet we get paged all the time to call the centre or dispatch or whatever, so I guess it's ok to drive around for ten minutes looking for a pay phone . . .

Nor are we allowed to listen to MP3 players or even have a radio for that matter.

UPS is the death of fun.

Article 18
Section 8
Transistor radios will be allowed in package cars.


Staff member
"Abso-freaking-lutely,especially when you have a time sensitive trailers hanging at the airport or rail-yard"

If I were a senior man, I would greive this and abso-freaking-lutely win.


This is one of many issues where UPS tends to speak out of both sides of the mouth. In many of the buildings, UPS understands that there are theft issues related to cellular phones. This is a big problem in many of the metro buildings, and many of these thefts, statistically, tend to be committed by inner city, part-time, hub employees. At many of the facilities, UPS has implemented procedures for eliminating cellular phones that are brought in to the facility. The exception to this "policy" are full-time drivers, mechanics, management (to include part-time supervisors.). From a security standpoint, I would like to see cellular phones eliminated in all of the metropolitan facilities. The reality, however, is that UPS knows that cellular phones are a necessity for communications between service providers and their managers/supervisors. This is a typical "have our cake and eat it too" scenario, which is common at UPS. If I were a package car driver, my communications with center management teams would be via ODS, or else, I would demand compensation for my business related cellular phone charges.



Harry Manback

Robot Extraordinaire
This is one of many issues where UPS tends to speak out of both sides of the mouth. In many of the buildings, UPS understands that there are theft issues related to cellular phones. This is a big problem in many of the metro buildings, and many of these thefts, statistically, tend to be committed by inner city, part-time, hub employees. At many of the facilities, UPS has implemented procedures for eliminating cellular phones that are brought in to the facility. The exception to this "policy" are full-time drivers, mechanics, management (to include part-time supervisors.). From a security standpoint, I would like to see cellular phones eliminated in all of the metropolitan facilities. The reality, however, is that UPS knows that cellular phones are a necessity for communications between service providers and their managers/supervisors. This is a typical "have our cake and eat it too" scenario, which is common at UPS. If I were a package car driver, my communications with center management teams would be via ODS, or else, I would demand compensation for my business related cellular phone charges.



Oh noes, Himmler and the gang has invaded our sanctuary. Might as well DEMAND a golden toilet in the men's room while we're at it. And since we're making demands, can we demand that UPS not force us to "vandalize" our personal property (cell phone) with that ridiculous sticker. I wonder if LP ever considered that cell phones are not permanent fixtures. They do require replacing from time to time. There's nothing I enjoy more after a 12 hour day of busting mine to go help someone else wipe their's than, a 20 minute cavity search because I acquired a new phone.


Staff member
"..I would demand compensation for my business related cellular phone charges."

Hmmm.....maybe you should consider the UPS discount on cell phone plans IS compensation. (you probably save far more than you lose on business related phone charges. I do.).


I apologize. It would seem that I have commented on something for which Harry Manback has taken issue. Perhaps he has misunderstood my post. I am not attempting to spar with him. Also, I am not "Himmler", but I laughed at the premise that, because of my job, some how that makes me a Nazi. The fact is that I have visited this site for several months and see postings that involve topics to which I can give an objective point of view. I look forward to our future conversations. Who knows, perhaps Harry Manback will finally experience heat for milking the clock during all of those alleged 60 hour work weeks that he complained about, and need some advice. Harry, regarding the sticker residue on your cellular phone, try some soap and water. Guess what? I am even required to have one of those stickers on my phone.

