Corporations are not people


Well-Known Member
Corporations are best policed by an informed electorate and a government not in bed with those corporations. This is why government isnt presently working for we the people. Agencies that are supposed to regulate as a watchdog are usually more of a lapdog to those industries. I have no problem with government as long as it does its job . I want a government of , by and for the people not the corporations!!


golden ticket member
Corporations are best policed by an informed electorate and a government not in bed with those corporations. This is why government isnt presently working for we the people. Agencies that are supposed to regulate as a watchdog are usually more of a lapdog to those industries. I have no problem with government as long as it does its job . I want a government of , by and for the people not the corporations!!
I read those 2 sentences 3 times. Do you really hear what you are saying? Gov't is already in bed with every corporation there is....except maybe mom & pop no policing by them.
You are telling me why the gov't isn't working for the find that OK? I find it unacceptable. The gov't (pres. congress, etc......are there because we put them there. They work for us period!!


Well-Known Member
I read those 2 sentences 3 times. Do you really hear what you are saying? Gov't is already in bed with every corporation there is....except maybe mom & pop no policing by them.
You are telling me why the gov't isn't working for the find that OK? I find it unacceptable. The gov't (pres. congress, etc......are there because we put them there. They work for us period!!

Before 1980, we had a government that regulated corporate america and did a good job. Since then it hasnt been working for we the people. We now have a corporate government that only looks out for the oligarchy. No i dont find that ok. But the answer is not less government but less corporate control of our government!!


Nine Lives
Seems to be a politically centered piece that concentrates on the ability to contribute to political campaigns.
I do like the idea that it brings in to play of treating non-profits and Unions not being able contribute to political campaigns as well as corporations.

Back to the true individual.
Why not a system for individuals, corporations and any other form of organization to contribute to political campaigning, why limit? All donations go into one huge account to be equally divided between all candidates and everyone wanting to be a candidate runs against the whole bunch, eliminate primaries.

I hate that the one with the largest "war chest" has an advantage.


Well-Known Member
Why not a system for individuals, corporations and any other form of organization to contribute to political campaigning, why limit? All donations go into one huge account to be equally divided between all candidates and everyone wanting to be a candidate runs against the whole bunch, eliminate primaries.

I hate that the one with the largest "war chest" has an advantage.

Do you really think that exxon mobil would just fork over millions IF THERE ARE NO STRINGS ATTACHED??? The do not DONATE to pols' campaigns;they OWN the pols outright!!


Well-Known Member
Corporations are not concerned with the common good. They exploit, pollute, impoverish, repress, kill and lie to make money. They throw poor families our of homes, let the uninsured die,layoff workers to increse profits, poison our ecosystem,crush all popular movements that seek justice for working people. they only worship money and power!!


Well-Known Member
I read those 2 sentences 3 times. Do you really hear what you are saying? Gov't is already in bed with every corporation there is....except maybe mom & pop no policing by them.
You are telling me why the gov't isn't working for the find that OK? I find it unacceptable. The gov't (pres. congress, etc......are there because we put them there. They work for us period!!
Government once worked for we the people but reagan came along and sold us a bill of goods: the govt is the problem he told us. LOL Government BECAME part of the problem when it stood by and allowed the corporate state to occupy our government. He lowered their taxes and got rid of regulations that protected us from corporate greed. He took the only nonviolent tool that we the people had to level the playing field (a proactive government) and weakened it so that his pals in corporate america could run free. Nice job ronnie!!


Nine Lives
Government once worked for we the people but reagan came along and sold us a bill of goods: the govt is the problem he told us. LOL Government BECAME part of the problem when it stood by and allowed the corporate state to occupy our government. He lowered their taxes and got rid of regulations that protected us from corporate greed. He took the only nonviolent tool that we the people had to level the playing field (a proactive government) and weakened it so that his pals in corporate america could run free. Nice job ronnie!!
Reaganism was an incremental change. The US National government has not worked for it's citizens since the 1870's.
The US National government only reigns in Corporations when it feels threatened or Corporations threaten the fabric of Society.

And honestly, Reaganism was a reaction to the decades long excesses of too high taxes implemented to pay for WW2 that was only able because the rest of the world was destroyed by WW2. Additionally, the Great Society programs of the 60s and 70s had created a sense of frustration over the National government's redistribution of income into ineffective and harmful social programs.


Well-Known Member

If it read Dear liberals, it would be correct. True leftists have been fighting corporatism since the 1920s. Liberals on the other hand are part of the corporate state. They have been convinced that there is no alternative to corporate capitalism . They have given up the economic fight and only really fight for rights such as gay marriage, abortion and gun regulation. They have turned their backs on real people of the left like Ralph Nader and attacked him for challenging the democratic party.

So to be fair it is the fault of the liberals and conservatives, not "the left".


Well-Known Member
Reaganism was an incremental change. The US National government has not worked for it's citizens since the 1870's.
The US National government only reigns in Corporations when it feels threatened or Corporations threaten the fabric of Society.

And honestly, Reaganism was a reaction to the decades long excesses of too high taxes implemented to pay for WW2 that was only able because the rest of the world was destroyed by WW2. Additionally, the Great Society programs of the 60s and 70s had created a sense of frustration over the National government's redistribution of income into ineffective and harmful social programs.

Reagan brought the top rates for the richest folk from 70% to 28%. That is incremental change??It blew a huge hole in the federal deficit. With his increasing expenditures on the military plus the cut in taxes, by the end of the 12 yrs of the reagan-Bush yrs the debt quadrupled.

The Great Society programs like medicare and medicaid?? Food stamps?? Ineffective?? Since when??

In the1870s, the government was even more inthe hands of corporations :think RAILROADS or Rockefella, Carnegie, Morgan. This was before TR put them in their place for a while.


Engorged Member
Reaganism was an incremental change. The US National government has not worked for it's citizens since the 1870's.
The US National government only reigns in Corporations when it feels threatened or Corporations threaten the fabric of Society.

And honestly, Reaganism was a reaction to the decades long excesses of too high taxes implemented to pay for WW2 that was only able because the rest of the world was destroyed by WW2. Additionally, the Great Society programs of the 60s and 70s had created a sense of frustration over the National government's redistribution of income into ineffective and harmful social programs.

Since Reagan was a big spender, was he a "Socialist" too? Besides being a union-killer, Reagan spent like the war hawk he was, wasting billions on upgrading WW2 battleships and "Star Wars". Talk about government waste and inefficiency. Must have been part of the plot to turn us into a Socialist nation. Ah, the duplicity of the Right.


Nine Lives
Reagan brought the top rates for the richest folk from 70% to 28%. That is incremental change??It blew a huge hole in the federal deficit. With his increasing expenditures on the military plus the cut in taxes, by the end of the 12 yrs of the reagan-Bush yrs the debt quadrupled.

The Great Society programs like medicare and medicaid?? Food stamps?? Ineffective?? Since when??

In the1870s, the government was even more inthe hands of corporations :think RAILROADS or Rockefella, Carnegie, Morgan. This was before TR put them in their place for a while.

When I said the 1870s, those were the exact abusive Corporations and Individuals I was referring to. The Anti-trust laws and Fair Labor laws were what I was referring to and the government crack down started to occur in the 1870s through the early 1900s. Sorry if I did not make that clear.

I know people get their panties all in a wad about the fact that successful, smart, hard-working people make so much more money than we do but the difference in collected tax revenue between 28% and 70% rates is negligible. I personally admire and am envious of these people but I don't try to hide my inabilities and shortcomings by making these drivers and achievers into demons or evildoers ... just control how they do it so their actions don't infringe on the rights of other individuals.