del. to early?


Well-Known Member
25yrvet, I would seriously like to know what you did in your lobbying to eliminate certain cover drivers from being on your route. I have one cover driver who does my route while I am on vaca and he is horrible, the people hate him, he has driver follow-ups all the time, has rude hourly complaints and several accidents(which are all mysteriously covered up), but in his little world everyone loves him and I would like to know what has to be done to keep him from covering my route. He currently has his own bid route but whenever asked by management he freely voluteers to cover my route, management tells me that they don't have much choice because he is the only one who knows my run even though with the new EDD system a trained monkey could do the job.


The fedex guys have almost no pressure to make the commit times.We,as drivers, have to pursue a daily logistical nightmare to deliver everything on time plus delivering ground with air.then attack 40 resis while trying to squeeze in a lunch break before starting the pickup log.They have 2 companies doing what we do all at once.Production is what made us what we are and thats why we get voted best all the time.


Well-Known Member
25 year, I remember doing some of the same things when I was a cover driver 22 years ago, but the majority of the ones we have in our center just run and gun, customers be dam*ed. I've tried asking mgm't to do something about it and my PU's have called and complained about being picked up at 3 instead of around 5, but since he can run the new standards and make 2 hours bonus they refuse to pull him off it. Service really doesn't mean much when all they worry about are the numbers on the operations report.


dannyboy said:
Airs take top priority. I take it you do not have a commit time for airs since you run them at your leisure?

That would piss me off too, to have a cover driver deliver it the way he wants and not the way it is to be delivered. Deliver the air first on the way to the stop. They paid extra for early delivery, and not when you feel like it.


ok, First I would like to say that I DO get all of the airs off ON TIME(1030) and dont deliver them at my leisure and, second I have 90% of his bussiness delivered by 1200. I only get the route done maybe 1/2 before he does.

25yrvet said:
I feel it's important for swing drivers to run the rt like the regular driver. There are a couple swingers who have covered my rt & ticked off customers (rude, early p/u, dumping stops, etc) ; I've lobbied hard & successfully to keep these drivers off my route.
When I was the lead swinger I kept a note book of all the rts. Before & after I did a route I would ask the regular if there were any changes & if I offended anyone. I wanted the cust. to feel as comfortable about giving me a p/u as they would their reg driver--no changes, just smooth as glass.

I also do this, talking with the normal driver(I even have some of thier cell numbers and call them if i have a problem or question) and asking the customer when the normal driver is normaly there and if they have a problem with the time I get there, I do the same on the pick up end. Most of the routes that I do the people like me alot. I give them good service.


Well-Known Member
GB sounds like you're doing a good job

To the others about you have your customers call the Nat'l line for complaints? Have them do it repeatedly! Have you talked to the lead swinger about covering you rt? Maybe he (she) can express their interest to mgt about running your rt. Then they can get trained on it. A strategic sick call might help get mgt off their rumps & train someone else on it. If that works, then give them some info on your rt to make them look better & discredit the runner.


Well-Known Member
25yrvet said:
I feel it's important for swing drivers to run the rt like the regular driver. There are a couple swingers who have covered my rt & ticked off customers (rude, early p/u, dumping stops, etc) ; I've lobbied hard & successfully to keep these drivers off my route.
When I was the lead swinger I kept a note book of all the rts. Before & after I did a route I would ask the regular if there were any changes & if I offended anyone. I wanted the cust. to feel as comfortable about giving me a p/u as they would their reg driver--no changes, just smooth as glass.

I was very annoyed as well to see cover drivers do anything they wanted on my route as if it was their own. They delivered morning deliveries in the afternoon and made some of the pickups on route instead of following the set schedule. This threw many of my customers out of their schedule, and since I had six weeks vacation, it happened often. One driver used to leave a large bulk stop at the rear door, which was ground delivery number one, until after 1:00 PM. Since the route was all commercial buildings which came out the rear door, leaving a bulk stop in your way for half the day was pure idiocy in my opinion.


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sendagain said:
I was very annoyed as well to see cover drivers do anything they wanted on my route as if it was their own. They delivered morning deliveries in the afternoon and made some of the pickups on route instead of following the set schedule. This threw many of my customers out of their schedule, and since I had six weeks vacation, it happened often. One driver used to leave a large bulk stop at the rear door, which was ground delivery number one, until after 1:00 PM. Since the route was all commercial buildings which came out the rear door, leaving a bulk stop in your way for half the day was pure idiocy in my opinion.

I agree very much with Sendagain. My swingdriver does all these things plus more, like driving in peoples yards, throws boxes at p/u stops, deadheads up driveways, and so much more. I have to handle complaints everytime I get back from vacation. I'll be glad when I can get another one trained to run my route.


Well-Known Member
Another hopeful beneficial aspect of the SSI is to keep the swing drivers on the same schedule as the regular driver. These delivery stops should be built into the loop schedule so that they all drivers can follow the loop and get to the deliveries at the correct time. (In many cases a break of the loop will have to be done based on that days dispatch but the vast majority of people should have their deliveries and pickups made at similar times all through out the day. Remember if it's tough for us to do with cover drivers, think of how tough it would be for FDX to do it for their seperate companies? SSI is one thing that will be practically impossible for FDX to match.


Retired Senior Member
How can the runner's make the pickups 2 hours early and not be questioned about 15 minutes plus or minus the scheduled pick up time. Our division manager was in town and made it a point to tell us that there is a pickup time compliance report that we need to stay off of. I think they are looking for 90% effective on this report. Anyone else hear of this?


Well-Known Member
I'm glad I don't have any SSI accounts. My neighboring driver has to deliver to a hospital between 10 and 10:30. By the time he gets there, all the other companies have been there, and there is no dock space left. It's a pain. Like one previous post said, "management will trip over twenty dollars just to get ten cents."

Ms Spoken

Well-Known Member
mattwtrs said:
How can the runner's make the pickups 2 hours early and not be questioned about 15 minutes plus or minus the scheduled pick up time. Our division manager was in town and made it a point to tell us that there is a pickup time compliance report that we need to stay off of. I think they are looking for 90% effective on this report. Anyone else hear of this?

We were told the same thing at our center that we need to pick-up with in the 15 min. window. All of my pick-up are on area after 2:30 so there is noway I can be in a small town @ 3pm and in another town 15 miles away at the same time. I have asked for my pick-up times to be moved but, that has never happend. If I'm 50% effective on my report then I'm happy.


Well-Known Member
maybe you regular drivers should pick up the pace and stop milking the company. If the cover driver can run the route and get in in 8.5 you should be able to also,


Well-Known Member
browniehound said:
maybe you regular drivers should pick up the pace and stop milking the company. If the cover driver can run the route and get in in 8.5 you should be able to also,

Well said from the same person who had a hard time understanding why he couldn't deliver pkgs into peoples mailboxes. Don't know how long you've been with the company but you will learn.:mad:


I have seen the SSI work to our benefit. 2 companies that I have delivered to have seen a marked increase in their incoming volume. Some of that is due to increased business/improving economy, but some due to the SSI program.

I believe that some of these same companies may see the same benefit in dealing with one company for all of their outgoing volume as well.

I am also a cover driver. When I started, I ticked off a couple of regular guys and one of the better cover drivers pulled me aside and suggested talking to the regular guys on the Friday before and the Monday following to report any issues and get feedback. For me, it is more important to find out what mistakes I made, than whether or not people liked me.

To me, it is important to provide service as well as the regular guy, but not to promise anything that the regular cannot deliver. On routes that I cover alot, I have given my cell number to pickup accounts so that they can call me if there is an issue. I remind them that it is my cell personal number and that the reason I am giving it is because I am not as smart as the regular guy.

Since I have started doing these "extras," some drivers have asked that I cover their routes.



Well-Known Member
you people seem to be bashing the cover driver because he wants to do the job and get home to his family and you call this making you look bad? Maybe if you stop shooting the breeze with every customer you could be scratch someday. The company is not paying you 26.12 per hour to talk football. Shut up and do your job


Well-Known Member
Your job is to deliver when UPS has promised the deliveries and pick ups will be made, not do them any time that suits you personally. If you want to run and leave all the deliveries in the mailbox, great. With these guaranteed PU times you can go sit on your duff for 2 hours and wait for the proper time to pick up instead of the 2:30 PU with some comment to the customer about 'not ready? I'll see you tomorrow then'.


Well-Known Member
browniehound "you people seem to be bashing the cover driver because he wants to do the job and get home to his family and you call this making you look bad? Maybe if you stop shooting the breeze with every customer you could be scratch someday. The company is not paying you 26.12 per hour to talk football. Shut up and do your job"

Brownie, loosen up the neck tourniquet a little and stop looking at it from the view of management. Most of the time that the regular drivers is displeased with to cover driver is because he is hearing the complaints from his/her customers about the substandard service they are receiving from the cover driver. My personal experience with different cover drivers are 3 out of 4 that know my route do an excellent job while the fourth constantly misdelivers and is rude to customers and always leaves my truck a mess and usually breaks it. It always seems that management assigns the horrible cover driver to my route, I think mostly because he runs it in the least amount of time and looks good on paper, but I believe that with the follow-ups, damages, repairs and complaints that are an everyday part of this drivers routine running scratch is not saving the company any money but actually costing money, running under standards should not be the only element figured in but only part of the equation. jmho


Well-Known Member
xracer said:
browniehound "you people seem to be bashing the cover driver because he wants to do the job and get home to his family and you call this making you look bad? Maybe if you stop shooting the breeze with every customer you could be scratch someday. The company is not paying you 26.12 per hour to talk football. Shut up and do your job"

Brownie, loosen up the neck tourniquet a little and stop looking at it from the view of management. Most of the time that the regular drivers is displeased with to cover driver is because he is hearing the complaints from his/her customers about the substandard service they are receiving from the cover driver. My personal experience with different cover drivers are 3 out of 4 that know my route do an excellent job while the fourth constantly misdelivers and is rude to customers and always leaves my truck a mess and usually breaks it. It always seems that management assigns the horrible cover driver to my route, I think mostly because he runs it in the least amount of time and looks good on paper, but I believe that with the follow-ups, damages, repairs and complaints that are an everyday part of this drivers routine running scratch is not saving the company any money but actually costing money, running under standards should not be the only element figured in but only part of the equation. jmho
All the points you make are valid. But those complaints, etc... Are MANAGEMENT'S problems, not your's. What do you care how many misdeleveries your cover driver makes? Other that you may have to re-deliver them. As for the compaints, again, that shouldn't be your problem. Its the company's


Well-Known Member
What happens on my route when im gone is my problem when i have to apologize 20 different times when i come back. My route is always in shambles when i return from vacation. Who is the one to fix it....not

Browniehound im putting you on double secret probation.


Well-Known Member
browniehound said:
you people seem to be bashing the cover driver because he wants to do the job and get home to his family and you call this making you look bad? Maybe if you stop shooting the breeze with every customer you could be scratch someday. The company is not paying you 26.12 per hour to talk football. Shut up and do your job

b'hound. I just can't se back and let this post slide. Don't you think the BID driver wants to get home to his family ASAP? By us BID drivers "shooting the breeze" we gain area knowledge. Then in the future we can peddle packages to our customers and save time and money for us and the company. I personally get tired of cleaning up "cover driver jocks" mistakes. I don't have the time to wipe noses and pamper their butts.

I recommend that EVERY cover driver should read the story of The Turtle and the Hare. Then you might be able to figure out how going at a steady pace (as a BID driver) (a.k.a. The Turtle) and doing the job right the first time while being a Professional gets you to the finish line (end of the day) quicker. Running your rear off (the Hare), pissing customers off and bouncing all over the place blabbering how hard you work does not impress anyone here. UPS is not just my job, IT'S MY PROFESSION, so what my customers think is MY business. "SO SHUT UP " and work on making yourself a professional. With age an maturity, this might come.......