Democrat Congressman Bob Etheridge assaults student...


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
So the public really doesnt have access to the people who represent us. For Goodness sake he was probably a democrat student, but bet he wont be anymore. Keep it up, Morons!


Retired 22 years
Just another selfproclaimed big shot that is full of himself. I think the kid would of had a good case of assult against this dip :poop: if he would of pressed it. The kid should of dropped to the ground and started screaming in pain and called the cops and a good lawyer. I hate people like Etheridge.


Well-Known Member
So the public really doesnt have access to the people who represent us. For Goodness sake he was probably a democrat student, but bet he wont be anymore. Keep it up, Morons!


Your above comments reminded me of something I read several days ago and I highlighted in bold the part I think you'll find most interesting in light of your observation above.

Before We Worshipped Presidents

Posted by J.H. Huebert on June 11, 2010 11:31 AM
Last week, Lew Rockwell posted an item about officers “subduing” and arresting two people who had the audacity to stand where President Obama’s motorcade wanted to go.

I recalled this yesterday as I read an October 1900 newspaper article, which reported an indignity that VP candidate Theodore Roosevelt suffered when newsboys threw mud at him “and greeted him with insulting language . . . as he departed from the church at which he had attended.” The story was a small item several pages into the paper and there is no indication that the boys were “subdued” or arrested, or got into any trouble at all. Instead, the mud-spattered TR just huffed off on his way.

The story included no quotes from experts on how terrible it is that our youth would show such disrespect for a great political leader and no editorializing.
Today, of course, this would be the top news story for a week, Chris Matthews would rend his garments over the blasphemy against our civic religion, and the kids would likely be tazed or killed, and, if they lived, charged with felonies.

Another newspaper article from the same month mentioned that trick-or-treaters stopped by the White House and were greeted by President and Mrs. McKinley. The kids weren’t participating in a photo op, but were just knocking on the front door as they would at any other house. Because you could do that, because the president was not a god.
(For more details of the good old days when people treated presidents like the ordinary jerks they are (and how far we’ve fallen), I highly recommend Gene Healy’s The Cult of the Presidency.)

Imagine some lowly neighborhood average kid doing trick or treat at the White House like he was going next door to his/her best friends house!


Staff member
So Wk do you suggest that times have not changed. What president today could have these kinds of incidents without assassination taking place every 3 months? It is not "audacity" but security that is the issue. I think it's a large part of why presidents age so quickly once they get into office.


golden ticket member
So Wk do you suggest that times have not changed. What president today could have these kinds of incidents without assassination taking place every 3 months? It is not "audacity" but security that is the issue. I think it's a large part of why presidents age so quickly once they get into office.

That's why all of Michelle's friends ask, "Who's the gray-haired old dude with you?" Your boo?


Well-Known Member
I will briefly summarize for you:

BP will pay.

Such a brief explaination, I'm glad for the mindless masses who didn't have their favorite programming of Celebrity hero or championship wrestling interrupted. Whose 30 second commerical got displaced in order for the President to deliver that less than 30 second sound bite?


Also good to see the President now giving important facts to the masses in kindergarten framework that doesn't require logic or critical thinking skills, not that any of us have that ability anymore! Seriously, what you said is about what I expected. Nothing but finger pointing and blame shifting.

BTW: When we enter a campaign season or some event like the gulf oil spill takes place, the political chorus from both sides start blasting out at each other and rarely it's just pure noise that means or accomplishes nothing. It's all just a lot of mindless, mind numbing noise. I've always found it hard to point to something to demonstrate what it is but now I can do so. Want to hear what the 2 headed coin of our political society really sounds like when it discusses and debates in the public space?

Here it is!


Maybe if we start laughing at ourselves we'll do something different!