Don't forget to tip your server...



All Trash No Trailer
One of the many many things i like about The UK, Australia and Europe is one isnt expected to tip.Of course once you are pegged for a Yank/Ami the server/waiter/cabbie etc seems deflated when you DONT tip lol
The first time I went to the UK I was unaware of this custom, and ha a bartender thow my tip back at me, telling me " i'm PAID to do my bloody job Yank!" .........ah good times


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All jokes aside, I'm with you on the tip thing. I hate that everywhere you go there is a tip jar, Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts, etc. I'm waiting for one to show up next to a register at McDonald's. Lol.
Don't even get me started on all the other places that ask for "donations" to some charity or another. I go into the same c-store 5 or more times a day and I always get hit up asking if I want to donate my change. EVERY FRIGGIN TIME! If I didnt donate the first time, what makes them continue to ask the other 9 times. Maybe they think that if they bug me enough, I'll finally gve n and leave my 4 pennies and a nickle.