Draining The Swamp


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Another thing this thread is titled," Drain the swamp". The article speaks to that whether you like it or not.

Try disputing the content rather than making yourselves less credible as per usual.


Inordinately Right
Jared Kushner is quietly tackling Washington's swamp

As Kushner continues to make government accountable to the people, the Washington swamp -- including the media and DC bureaucracy -- has retaliated with a Kushner takedown effort, hiding or downplaying his accomplishments while engaging in character assassination.

With little fanfare, Jared Kushner is quietly tackling Washington's slow, outdated modus operandi while simultaneously engaging in high-level diplomacy that promotes America's interests on the world stage.
The author of this opinion piece doesn't seem to understand what "drain the swamp" means at all. Or maybe she does and she's just using CNN as an outlet to do her job as national spokesperson for the Republican National Convention. It's a nice attempt at spin, but overall a fail.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
The author of this opinion piece doesn't seem to understand what "drain the swamp" means at all. Or maybe she does and she's just using CNN as an outlet to do her job as national spokesperson for the Republican National Convention. It's a nice attempt at spin, but overall a fail.
No, no, you have to dispute the content of the propoganda. You can't point out that the purpose of the piece was propoganda to distract from the gross inadequacies of Jared. He's remaking the government don't you know.


Fight the power.
Not a chance