Driver Helper pay


Well-Known Member
Yes rates went up. Central Art 19 Sec 7 sets helper rate at 80% of starting rate for FT's which raises the pay rate from $12.88 to $15. Most likely every supplement mimics this language in some fashion.


That’s Craptacular
In my local, they couldn't get part-timers with seniority to help because it was a pay cut.
I thought that too.....Helper pay is only 15.88/ preload rate is higher. But I went out as a helper last week....and was paid my preload OT rate for the day. Sounds good to me!


Well-Known Member
I may come back as a helper for Peak 2019. It would be so nice to have zero pressure. We are limited under our pension to 40 hours per month if we work within the same industry.


Well-Known Member
At my center we are only paid $1 more than "all other" jobs. Which makes it $9.50 an hour. That was last peak. This peak should be $11 since pay rate went up. I wish we got $15.XX an hour. Lol.


Staff member
I may come back as a helper for Peak 2019. It would be so nice to have zero pressure. We are limited under our pension to 40 hours per month if we work within the same industry.

Not. A. Snowball's. Chance. In. H*ll!

Sorry, Dave. I can only hope you will feel differently when you get out.