Ethics and lack there of


Phoenix Feeder
Plenty of old timers around here have the old Bomber style jacket. I still wear one with the old logo, as it's more comfortable than those new ones treated with some stiff water repelling stuff. Of course, our management is just happy if we wear the UPS jacket and not our own.


Well-Known Member
If anyone read the long wind paragraph. One big red flag would have Jump out at you if you where able to get past the first 3/4 of it. This incident happen at least 5 months ago. Why didn't 28 yr UPS employee troll (OP) keep pressing the breaking and enter issue with the cops and file a grievance 5 months ago.

Just makes you wonder.........


It was 5 months because I had waited for the people I believe in to just step and be civil, and I called corporate in hopes this would not necessitate the police. The thorn in my is what happened afterwards. The constant consistent message is corporate policy allows the breaking of state law, this is a hard idea for me to fall in love with and be in support. I get so much crap from thrift stores I could have lost the article of clothing and not even realized it. It is the constant message that as management we not only have no need for civility in our treatment of other, our desire to enforce corporate policy allows us to break state law. I apologize, but since I find no valid reason to **** on others or break laws will willful intent, I am at odds to understand this behavior, and it is frustrating. And if you wish to consider the time frame, I also had an issue with not being paid correctly and once again I put trust where it should not be put. I asked my manager for a year to make the correction to my pay so I would receive the extra 10 cents or less an hour that contractually I get for the vehicle I drive so I get paid correctly. A year and a half later it is being corrected, but of course no retroactive back pay. One an average of once ever two weeks I would remind my manager of this necessary adjustment. I should have filed a grievance, shame on me for trusting the people I work for.


And as far as the paper trail is concerned, this was documented with UPS national the day after it happened and is a matter of corporate record. Only several days ago it became an issue of public record and has been documented with the police and is now a matter of public record and everyone concerned has admitted that my statements are indeed factual both in the company and now with the police. A very honest statement the day after by those concerned that this is indeed an egregious wrong doing and a breach of law, with further promise to respect the law in the future would have ended it and I would have had a level of peace of mind, but that simple request was never acknowledged or administered, so after five months I took the time to make it public record.


The supervisor that got in my car was in the past a very good guy and someone I respected, mostly past tense. But even having said that, I would rather not press for him to suffer hardship for this situation for any reason.


My apologies, I tried to go back and see if I could edit it to make it cleaner. I was unable to figure out a way, if it is possible. Many forums have a manner to edit, but the 4 minutes I gave to figure out if it was possible did not yield and fruitful resolution.


These are the two police report numbers 13091113194 and 130914096. It would be more valuable to prove to myself it did not happen, than to prove to you it did. My mental WTF folder could use less incidents with in its imaginary manilla boundaries.


Well-Known Member
It was 5 months because I had waited for the people I believe in to just step and be civil, and I called corporate in hopes this would not necessitate the police. The thorn in my is what happened afterwards. The constant consistent message is corporate policy allows the breaking of state law, this is a hard idea for me to fall in love with and be in support. I get so much crap from thrift stores I could have lost the article of clothing and not even realized it. It is the constant message that as management we not only have no need for civility in our treatment of other, our desire to enforce corporate policy allows us to break state law. I apologize, but since I find no valid reason to **** on others or break laws will willful intent, I am at odds to understand this behavior, and it is frustrating. And if you wish to consider the time frame, I also had an issue with not being paid correctly and once again I put trust where it should not be put. I asked my manager for a year to make the correction to my pay so I would receive the extra 10 cents or less an hour that contractually I get for the vehicle I drive so I get paid correctly. A year and a half later it is being corrected, but of course no retroactive back pay. One an average of once ever two weeks I would remind my manager of this necessary adjustment. I should have filed a grievance, shame on me for trusting the people I work for.

5 months get real. You say your a 28 yrs UPS employee have you ever heard or saw a management person take responsibility for some to that magnitude with out a grievance being filed you should have filed a grievance the next day if not the same day. The same time you filed the police report. The you should have followed up on the police report that week not 5 months later.

Chalk this one up to stupidity on all fronts and lesson learned on your part.... Have you let management push you around all 28 years you have been working at UPS or just the past year...


in my writing is a great deal errors due to dyslexia. I apologize to those who have taken the time to weed and work through it. There has been provided great advice, and I thank one and all. I am not sure what I need to do. This situation has just made it difficult to feel good about my work environment. I should have chosen the blue pill. (no, not Viagra, movie reference)


Actually in Ca, they can not hold your final check if you fail to return your uniforms when you leave employment. So I can either bag them up and take them to the center in 5 to 6 years (providing I make the duration), or I can bag them up and take them to the curb for the nice folks that help feed the homeless. Place your bets on which manner I will most likely choose. I will have to find a thrift store that is support by United Way, ROFL.


nope, been letting them do it for 28 years. Yes, stupidity, but more lack of necessity. I have filed maybe 6 grievances in 28 years. Asked the union rep at the local on this situation, and it was a not really discussed. All that was stated is, if you did that you would be fired guaranteed, those guys are A-holes and that was about it. No advice on direction.

In 28 years I have been all over the company. At one time I worked on location at Hewlett Packard loading air cans bound to the airport. I never really had any issues that necessitate a grievance, except for a very few horrendous issues. One situation, the union was of no benefit and I had to contact the EEOC. The EEOC handed upper management some rather bad news and I profited 70k for violation of federal laws. Later on my rep at the union hall called me and wanted to know what I did because there was a similar situation and he had no familiarity with the EEOC. Those situations seemed like Upper management and people I do not see or deal with, most of the management I have had seemed good (but sometimes I see what I wish to see and I am really ignorant about it). That was all prior to the stock going public in days of old. Several Fridays a month, some managers and some hourly-s would go out to the back parking lot and knock a few back and talk crap. I work in a very small center. It has grown, but it is still a small center. This kind of atrocious behavior from the grass roots management has been extremely minimal, but the few things I have filed grievances on were actually worse than this situation, thus the EEOC and a weekly payroll check with 6 figures to the left of the decimal point.

It is less about the jacket and more about the environment changing at the center I work. It is not changing for the better. I just had to vent a bit, the gas lighting of late is creating so much smoke and mirrors I some times wonder if I am a delivery driver or perhaps a carny trapped in the fun house that has caught on fire.


28 years is what I said. Full name, do not really care. If I am lying, I am dying.

* Deleted 25 year plaque from 2011 because it displays a full name.
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The OP is probably a LP troll looking for people that are sell old uniforms.
I have 37 of the old style jackets in all different sizes for sale , just PM me and we can work out a price

​if I don't sale them I will give them to the United way


Bad Moon Risen'
Years ago I was sitting at a blackjack table in northern Wisconsin minding my own business while taking a little cash from the local tribe. Was wearing one of the old bomber style jackets with the old logo. A young lady who I assume was in management approached me and let me know I could be fired for wearing the uniform during non work hours and sitting in a casino.
Told her to mind her own business and in fact I was not one of her employees, but had purchased the jacket at a yard sale. She insisted that I turn the jacket over to her or she would call the police. Let her know I would be sitting there until about 230am when the tables closed and to knock herself out getting the tribal police to respond to a guy wearing a brown jacket.
Needless to say I still wear that same jacket in the winter months.