Good Friday.........who else got SCREWED ????


Active Member
According to our OCS's the dictate came from above. Our center cut back routes run on Good Friday by 18% over Wednesday.

The PCM went like this: "We screwed you. We know we screwed you. It was intentional. Now go safe and don't do anything stupid. The stops will come off eventually. Then go home and enjoy your weekend".

As for my route.................. 1 p/u out of 40 was closed and ZERO closed businesses. Yet cut the routes. Ended up with a 20:35 punchout time. I got the flag, but a majority of our drivers were (well) over 9.5.

BTW.......................last OCS left for the weekend at 13:00 hours.
I was treated like a son on good Friday punched out before five. Our center manager is a family guy and a Catholic so he spread the work around to try and be as fair as he is aloud to be in order for people to be where they should be. With their loved ones.


Retired 23 years
According to our OCS's the dictate came from above. Our center cut back routes run on Good Friday by 18% over Wednesday.

The PCM went like this: "We screwed you. We know we screwed you. It was intentional. Now go safe and don't do anything stupid. The stops will come off eventually. Then go home and enjoy your weekend".

As for my route.................. 1 p/u out of 40 was closed and ZERO closed businesses. Yet cut the routes. Ended up with a 20:35 punchout time. I got the flag, but a majority of our drivers were (well) over 9.5.

BTW.......................last OCS left for the weekend at 13:00 hours.

Thats the way its been done for years. Some things never change


Well-Known Member
Stop per car on Thursday, 98. Stops per car on Friday 129. I'm in feeeders. I had 120% vs. a normal 180%. Most guys skipped their lunch to get off and be under 9.5. Exactly what UPS wanted. Sad.


Active Member
Most guys skipped their lunch to get off and be under 9.5. Exactly what UPS wanted. Sad.

Very sad. But very true.

I had NOTHING else to do Friday nite but make OT. Just ignorant not to have been given any choice in the matter.

BTW.........Any body else's management team come up with the term "Easter Peak" this year ??? Thought it was pretty cute. A fabricated "crisis" to help in the justification of a two week long screwing. Last week I had this much OT was two weeks before Christmas.


Well-Known Member
Now, if it had cost them double time, or tripple time to do that, my guess is it wouldn't have happened.
Contract, 2013


Well-Known Member
Our district was threatening warning letters for anyone who sheeted 5 or more packages for a single stop as CLO-H. We were directed to call the center manager personally if we ran in to this while on-road and he would come and pick them up and have the center scan them. He did not agree with the district, especially in the case of cover drivers, as they did not have the chance to find out which stops were open/closed.