Here's one for you all.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
So help me understand something here.

First, we ridicule Muslims by buying into the ignorant stereotype that they all wipe their butts with their left hand.

Then...we turn right around and ridicule a Muslim man because he chooses to sit down while urinating in order to be clean.

And we wonder why they hate us?

Why in the hell does it even matter whether a man chooses to sit or stand while urinating? Is that truly a valid basis for judging an entire culture or religion? Are we really that shallow?

And as far as the old "wipe with the left hand" stereotype....its pretty easy for us to make fun of people for wiping with their hand when we here in America can take luxuries like toilet paper for granted. Not everyone on this planet can afford, or even has access to, toilet paper or bathrooms.

Rant over.


Staff member
I've lived in a muslim country and known muslims as friends and acquaintances pretty much my whole life. The PT that treats both my wife and I for our various running injuries is a devout muslim who doesn't eat pork, fasts during Ramadan, etc. He's also a great guy who would give you the shirt off his back, he hosts a big Christmas party every year for the local running community and the notion that he must support terrorism and "honor killing" just because he's a muslim is absurd.
People are people, and your average muslim is fundamentally no different than your average christian or average anybody, ie, most of them just want a good life for themselves and their families. The ignorance displayed in some of the posts in this thread is pretty appalling.


Retired 23 years
I've lived in a muslim country and known muslims as friends and acquaintances pretty much my whole life. The PT that treats both my wife and I for our various running injuries is a devout muslim who doesn't eat pork, fasts during Ramadan, etc. He's also a great guy who would give you the shirt off his back, he hosts a big Christmas party every year for the local running community and the notion that he must support terrorism and "honor killing" just because he's a muslim is absurd.
People are people, and your average muslim is fundamentally no different than your average christian or average anybody, ie, most of them just want a good life for themselves and their families. The ignorance displayed in some of the posts in this thread is pretty appalling.

OR---he is part of one of those sleeper cells just waiting orders to kill all infidels:
Achmed The Dead Terrorist Silence I Kill You! - YouTube


Well-Known Member
I've lived in a muslim country and known muslims as friends and acquaintances pretty much my whole life. The PT that treats both my wife and I for our various running injuries is a devout muslim who doesn't eat pork, fasts during Ramadan, etc. He's also a great guy who would give you the shirt off his back, he hosts a big Christmas party every year for the local running community and the notion that he must support terrorism and "honor killing" just because he's a muslim is absurd.
People are people, and your average muslim is fundamentally no different than your average christian or average anybody, ie, most of them just want a good life for themselves and their families. The ignorance displayed in some of the posts in this thread is pretty appalling.

Good point.
Maybe you should talk to one of the 23 surviving triple ("triple" means three) amputees of that war and see what they think.
Or better to a Gold Star Mom and tell her how peaceful and loving the Muslims are.

Excluding the 9/11 attack, there are reasons that Muslims in this country are "peaceful and loving". Perhaps they don't want to attract attention to themselves or they have more to gain by not biting the hand that feeds them.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Good point.
Maybe you should talk to one of the 23 surviving triple ("triple" means three) amputees of that war and see what they think.
Or better to a Gold Star Mom and tell her how peaceful and loving the Muslims are.

Excluding the 9/11 attack, there are reasons that Muslims in this country are "peaceful and loving". Perhaps they don't want to attract attention to themselves or they have more to gain by not biting the hand that feeds them.

How "peaceful and loving" were we when we bombed and invaded and killed over 100,000 civilian citizens of a nation (Iraq) that had never attacked us, that did not posess weapons of mass destruction, that had nothing to do with 9-11,and that was not aiding Al Queda?


Well-Known Member
How "peaceful and loving" were we when we bombed and invaded and killed over 100,000 civilian citizens of a nation (Iraq) that had never attacked us, that did not posess weapons of mass destruction, that had nothing to do with 9-11,and that was not aiding Al Queda?

I still highly respect you but none of your statements require a shred of evidence.


Staff member
Good point.
Maybe you should talk to one of the 23 surviving triple ("triple" means three) amputees of that war and see what they think.
Or better to a Gold Star Mom and tell her how peaceful and loving the Muslims are.

Excluding the 9/11 attack, there are reasons that Muslims in this country are "peaceful and loving". Perhaps they don't want to attract attention to themselves or they have more to gain by not biting the hand that feeds them.

I'll just reiterate what I said previously:
The ignorance displayed in some of the posts in this thread is pretty appalling.


Well-Known Member
Talk to someone who was alive and cognizant prior to the Pearl Harbor attack (ever heard of it?)

They will tell you the Japanese diplomats were talking detente very seriously all the while they knew of the upcoming attack on Pearl Harbor.

Does history repeat itself?
gosh.....I don't know, you're so much smarter than I am. What do you think?


Bad Moon Risen'
You can't judge a whole religion based on a few radicals.
That being said, I won't take my son to the Catholic church because I don't want the priest to be sexually abusing him!


All Trash No Trailer
You can't judge a whole religion based on a few radicals.
That being said, I won't take my son to the Catholic church because I don't want the priest to be sexually abusing him!

I would never take my daughters to a Babtist Church because i wouldnt want them treated like second class citizens!


golden ticket member
I would never take my daughters to a Babtist Church because i wouldnt want them treated like second class citizens!

I wouldn't take kids to any Protestant church because they might get salmonella from all the pot luck dinner items!


Pees in the brown Koolaid
I still highly respect you but none of your statements require a shred of evidence.

I got on Wikipedia and googled "Iraq war casualties" to get the number I posted.

Obviously, I have no way to personally verify that the accuracy of the number. Perhaps we only killed 80,000 Iraqi civilians. Maybe it it was only 70,000. What I do know... is that there were approximately 3,000 casualties as a result of the 9-11 terrorist attacks which was supposedly the "justification" for our invasion of Iraq. I have a real problem with the fact that our response to a terrorist attack that kiled 3,000 of our people was to kill 20 or 30 times that many people in a country that had nothing to do with that attack in the first place. I should clarify that I have nothing but respect and admiration for the brave men and women of our armed forces who made the ultimate sacrifice for their nation; my anger is directly solely at their idiot Commander in Chief who put them in harms way with no justification whatsoever.


Staff member
Yes. There are idiots in the democratic party. Now, as soon as we can get the republican leadership to "grow a pair", maybe we can make some progress.
Not sure I understand. Are you saying there wasn't bipartisan support of the Iraq war?