Hurt on the job this morning


Well-Known Member
If you or another believes that your job is threatened for reporting an accident or injury on the job call the Employee Relations number (just post here and a dozen people will give it to you).

The company can not only be fined for this, but also sued big time. I believe that there was a recent suit that the company lost related to an injury along these lines.

Unfortunately there may be some Managers who don't want to report these types of things, but if others hear that it's going on, it'll be his job on the line and not yours.


Retired 23 years
Actually its the 4th element in the "5 keys to preventing slips and falls" which is "look before stepping". :happy2:.

It all looks good on paper-----------------now try it with some sup screaming at you to go "FASTER!" as he is turning up the belt speed:peaceful:


Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
When MOSES came down from the mountain with GODS 10 commandments, I dont remember any one saying I SHALL NOT EVER GET HURT AT UPS, or maybe MOSES lost that tablet!!!!! listen to Rod go see a DR and put your mind to rest,it could swell up again after you sleep on it!! This is a fast paced enviorment where people do get hurt from being so worried about #'s they throw saftey aside and don't think....UPS KNOWS THIS AND TUNS THE OTHER WAY!!!!!


Well-Known Member
when I was a P/T preloader, maybe 2004, I was loading a 24' vehicle with only a 1/2 step up and large gaps between the vehicle and dock. Difficult to explain, but anyway I ended up walking down the platform and having my leg go through the hole. I was also carrying a package out of the vehicle at the time so it was very awkward. landed on my butt so hard on the dock I never screamed so loud ( all my weight came down ). Whoever said your ass was the largest muscle and could take pain never felt pain like this.

Anyway, there was a brand spankin new platform installed the next day (encouraged by heath and saftey I';m sure), and I was moved to the unload. Yes, it was my fault for falling through the crack and I was a liability, yet they replaced the inferior wooden dock with a solid one with no holes and later explained that it was a liability and all the others were upgraded except that one.


Browncafe Steward
As long as they keep quite what does it hurt?
I guess it would also have to do with circumstances, broken leg and sitting in the ER getting patched up, it maybe nice to have someone to chit chat with. Torn off finger nail not so much
Have you ever heard of hippa laws?

I understand that you are used to violating the conatrct at will and believe now that you can even break the law when it comes to dealing with an employee, but i suggest that you are very careful when dealing with an employees medical history, you to can be sued.


Well-Known Member
One time a FT Supped tripped on a box I had placed and he tried to blame me. So if someone else gets hurt the methods dont apply to them?


Livin the cardboard dream
One time a FT Supped tripped on a box I had placed and he tried to blame me. So if someone else gets hurt the methods dont apply to them?

Absolutely not, and why should they? They are the chosen ones, they do everything right, it had to have been your fault. :happy2: