If you’re getting an MRI, read this (rant)


Active Member
They wouldn’t have covered it until months of PT and further testing.
Lady on the phone said I was ‘eligible’ for coverage in my particular situation but that the facility I was at was not in their ‘provider network’ (even though the orthopedic appointment I did a day prior with them IS covered by our insurance - just not the MRI portion). I guess the correct procedure would have been to pre-schedule with the phone number on my insurance card after my orthopedic doctor appointment. Then go wherever they send me even if it’s not with the same company I did my initial screening with.


Well-Known Member
I've talked about this before on here, but it's worth mentioning again that your insurance WILL lapse if you don't have at least one punch for the week. I found this out the hard way when I took the week off to be with my wife after the birth of our first child which was particularly difficult. Cleared it with my sup beforehand who then apparently entered the wrong leave code or something. Then got stuck with an almost 50 grand medical bill.

Teamcare was super unhelpful and suggested I just pay the COBRA. Eventually got a shop steward to pressure my full time sup to back date a punch for the week I missed. It worked out eventually, but it was a huge head ache and extremely stressful.

For any future fathers out there, either punch in at least once a week for the duration of your paternity leave or use your vacation time.
Yeah the one punch a week sucks. Pretty sure this isn’t everywhere. We also have that in the 177. I’ll gladly take the trade off though of being on the carve out plan instead of Teamcare and need one punch a week. We used to only need one punch a month. Changed two contracts ago.

It’s wild how things vary in different parts of the country. I saw someone say they only needed one punch a month for insurance, and someone posted once that they only needed one punch a month for full pension credit at the end of the year. The latter does not seem possible. Full pension for working 12 days per year? Unless they were joking, was definitely posted by someone here.


nowhere special
Yeah the one punch a week sucks. Pretty sure this isn’t everywhere. We also have that in the 177. I’ll gladly take the trade off though of being on the carve out plan instead of Teamcare and need one punch a week.
My local used to have 1 punch a month but that changed to 1 a week several years ago


Well-Known Member
Take steady. if you would’ve filed that leave under fmla then you can have weeks off Unpaid and still maintain your insurance coverage. I did this multiple times with no issues . you just have to call and set it up and provide proof of birth. Don’t trust what some of these management dummies tell you, you should’ve asked your steward first Or call the Human Resources number. Don’t need to punch any day or use vacation days if it’s fmla.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Yeah the one punch a week sucks. Pretty sure this isn’t everywhere. We also have that in the 177. I’ll gladly take the trade off though of being on the carve out plan instead of Teamcare and need one punch a week. We used to only need one punch a month. Changed two contracts ago.

It’s wild how things vary in different parts of the country. I saw someone say they only needed one punch a month for insurance, and someone posted once that they only needed one punch a month for full pension credit at the end of the year. The latter does not seem possible. Full pension for working 12 days per year? Unless they were joking, was definitely posted by someone here.
688. Only local in the country that one punch a month gets you full health and welfare contributions from the company for the month.

Somehow we lost the grievance that we should have healthcare with only one punch a month. Even though the company is paying for it.


nowhere special
688. Only local in the country that one punch a month gets you full health and welfare contributions from the company for the month.

Somehow we lost the grievance that we should have healthcare with only one punch a month. Even though the company is paying for it.
That was one of the sleazy cost cutting measures the union allowed to slip into the contract


Active Member
So he called teamcare, they told him it wouldn't be covered, then he had it done anyways....

I am just trying to get to the bottom of my injury as quickly as possible. I realized I could’ve cancelled the appointment right then and there, but who knows how soon the USIN would’ve taken to schedule my new MRI appointment. I can’t get my short term disability until I figure what’s wrong anyways. I was in contact with a union rep from my local the entire time and even he forgot to mention the pre-scheduling.


Inordinately Right
I realized I could’ve cancelled the appointment right then and there, but who knows how soon the USIN would’ve taken to schedule my new MRI appointment.
I'm just saying it's not like you didn't know it wasn't covered, they told you on the phone.
Are you sure this is the same for coverage in every state ? I clearly wasn’t aware of this policy of going to the emergency room for free the day of my injury.
Go to myteamcare.org, click on your plan benefit profile, and find out. I think the zoomers call this kind of thing "adulting".


Active Member
I'm just saying it's not like you didn't know it wasn't covered, they told you on the phone.

Go to myteamcare.org, click on your plan benefit profile, and find out. I think the zoomers call this kind of thing "adulting".
You’re right, I am no good stankin’ idiot. I swear I’ll learn to be an adult one day.


Well-Known Member
Teamcare sounds like complete dog crap. I pray the western region and 177 carve out doesn’t disappear. In the 177 we used to have the choice to get generic prescriptions for free, or for $5 we could get name brand. That’s unheard of. Another benefit that disappeared thanks to ObamaCare. We all have to pay for insurance thru our hard work for the piece of trash that sits home all day watching Maury.


nowhere special
Teamcare sounds like complete dog crap. I pray the western region and 177 carve out doesn’t disappear. In the 177 we used to have the choice to get generic prescriptions for free, or for $5 we could get name brand. That’s unheard of. Another benefit that disappeared thanks to ObamaCare. We all have to pay for insurance thru our hard work for the piece of trash that sits home all day watching Maury.
Teamcare is a little worse but not drastically so for most people. Only the few who previously had really bad plans praised it.


Not gonna let ‘em catch the Midnight Rider
Had the same thing happen to me over a decade ago. I was covered by Aetna through UPS and also covered by another insurance policy through the hospital that I worked at. So I was double covered. When I went in for the MRI I gave them BOTH providers just in case there was any left over from the primary then maybe the secondary would cover the left overs. Not sure if that’s how it works, but I digress. Few weeks go by and I get a bill for $1,300. Neither insurance wanted to pick up the tab. I called Aetna and pitched a fit that would rival a toddler and they then decided to cover it.


Well-Known Member
Insurance companies are the scum of the earth. Needed a special dental X-ray that was only available at one endo dentist in my area. Apparently the machine is a fortune. So I go, and they charge me for It and I’ll just appeal the decision thru Aetna. Wasn’t covered. They didn’t budge. Couldn’t care less, even thought the endodontist said the X-ray was necessary to see all the canals in the tooth. $250. few years later, needed the same xray on the same tooth. Aetna told me to pound sand. You’re SOL again.