Indiana Gov. Sez "Get Over Reagan Already!"


Well-Known Member
I understand, this is how you admit defeat. You have long since run out of usable rhetoric from the DNC so you make statements based on your opinion, and not based on fact. Its ok, I fully understand. Better luck next time. :)

You must be living in "Wayne's World" from SNL only we can call it "Brett's World" in your case. I can picture you squirming in your computer chair watching Ex President Clinton school Fox news reporter Chris Wallace( )
trying to tag the blame on Clinton for Bin Laden existense. Instead you base your loyalty, patriotism and argument on a EX CIA Terrorist analyist Micheal Scheuer as fact who again is trying to distant himself from Bin Laden fiasco under his watch. Why don't you ask questions like how did Osama Bin Laden come into power, and who supplied him with arms and money. Lord-Reagon?

And when your done pondering those questions , why not ask about the Bush-Bin Laden family-Cheney money connection.
I'm aware where you form your opinions and gather your so called facts, it's hammered, embedded, and repeated into your thought process by an effective media and internet campagin accepted as facts by unsuspected, easily influenced citizens.
I fully understand your dilema, and hope you'll snap out of it one day. Good Luck:smart:


Well-Known Member
Why don't you ask questions like how did Osama Bin Laden come into power, and who supplied him with arms and money.

Good question.
Here is a good answer.,2933,34615,00.html

"Last week's attacks probably were made possible with money from Islamic charities and front groups and wealthy Islamic businessmen, Cannistraro and other terrorism experts said. "

We should be following the money. I know the NY Times and Congress led by the Democrats do not want us to but we should.