Lost jobs....


KTM rider
It sounds more like the feeder job was moved and the person that had the job either did not or could not follow it. At my building, we had several feeder jobs moved to a hub, but it was after the bid driver retired. Now that the hubs are having a hard time filling positions, the work is not being moved back. Kind of bums me out.


Well-Known Member
just received word tonight that yet another route is being eliminated where I work.

I mean what is going on here and why isn't the union fighting to keep these jobs in place?!?!?

I am to the point I feel like I should put my house up for sale just in case. What's the point in working for this company if that's what you are forced to feel like?

We keep losing volume everyday due to the powers that be stupidity! Spend millions on Orion only to lose millions due to loss of PAYING customers. OH BUT WE HAVE MILES DOWN. Well congratulations you simple minded pieces of excrement!

Is anybody else out there bothered by all of this? Isn't the point of paying union dues a form of ensuring job security?

Im really starting to think that ups has some plan up their sleeve and it's going to be catastrophic. I me
ps rean the union has already proved to be nothing but a bunch of wimps that cave and cater to everything the company wants whether it's fair to its members or not.

Ups revenue is down while profits are up.....think about that for a minute
It's a little scary how easily they can shift work from building to building in feeders but that's just the way it is.
Companies that stay around for over a hundred years are in business to make money. It was a good idea for us to choose to work for a company that always makes money. It gives my family a good opportunity. Opportunities for my family gives security.