Memorial Day


Well-Known Member
Just glancing at your past posts, you have posted your seniority is Jan. 2009. Under the current contract you will not get paid holidays for the first year, so your first paid holiday will be Memorial Day 2010.


Well-Known Member
Well, the language reads "no earlier than after one (1) year of active employment", which is somewhat vague and could be interpreted in a couple of different ways. The fact that you were seasonal and then kept on after peak makes it more unclear. I am not an expert on the contract, maybe someone else might have a better idea.

I can say for sure unfortunately you will not receive pay for next Monday, but I am not sure how it will work out for the 5 holidays at the end of the year.


Well-Known Member
It always amazes me how many people come on here and don't know what basic benefits they are entitled to. The holidays for the year are listed in your NMA contract book as well as the procedure for pay if one of these falls on a weekend. It also outlines when new hires can expect to begin receiving holiday pay. If you don't have a copy, ask your steward or local for a copy.


Well-Known Member
thanks upstate i bothers me how many of our people ask the same ? over and over. what is even worse is when you ask a business on your route if they are closed on a certain day all you get from the dock person is a blank look.