Microdiscectomy for my back


From the promised LAND
L1-L2/3say normal for my age
L3/4 annular tear and disk protrusion with canal stenosis ect.
L4/5 annulat tear and disk protrusion with canl stenosis ect. mass effect on the L5roots in the lateral recesses ect.
L5-S1 right paracentral disk protrusion and annular tear with mass effect ont the right S1 root in subarticular recess, narrowing of the thecal sac, abuts the left S1 root in subarticular recess

first off, the panel doc could be a gynecologist for all you know. we had the same thing happen with my son, who when biting down, the teeth in the back were a half inch apart, so there was no way he could chew food properly. the panel doc for the insurance company that kept on refusing the surgery was a gynecologist. that should be malpractice, but it seems it is widespread.

anyway, i had two respected chiropractors look at what you posted, both are guys that i would totally trust, and both have been in practice for 25+ years each.

both said that chiropractic help would/could help you tremendously in regaining your health and movement. they both said that they have seen 98% or better of the patients with injuries like yours get full relief and movement back in their lives with chiropractic care.

both said that since it involved three segments in a row of the lumbar region, especially at the top of the sacrum, that surgery to fix all of them would most likely lead to limited motion and further surgery at the l1-l2 area or even further above as time progressed. also, the trimming of the areas that are pinching the nerves would weaken the walls of the discs, so that continuation of the job you do would cause the complete rupture of the disc and more serious surgeries to be needed in the future.

my suggestion would be get a good comp lawyer, not necessarily the one recommended by the union. the union negotiates with a lower rate for its members, but usually the ones that need to go cut rate are actually not as good as others that dont need to cut their rates. that is my experience anyway.

but get the lawyer involved in getting better and back to work. you might be surprised as to what getting him involved can do.

best of luck.


remember, do the least invasive first, you can always cut later. but if you cut first, then you are stuck with that pathway.


Well-Known Member
...or maybe you could have simply gone to a non UPS doctor for a 2nd opinion rather than accept his diagnosis as gospel and continue to work and live with pain.
I saw non company doctors that are how I forced them to do surgery .I saw 4 specialists in the field all UPS recommend doctors so I thought they are right. It got worse then I got a lawyer and saw a diffenrt doctor and forced them to do surgery. I am just trying to help the legions of people that work or worked for UPS with major injures back etc…We should have apermant thread for people who have gone though the nightmare of major back injuries or other major injuries they are not alone .I do not want to focus on me.

brother in brown

Active Member
Surgery authorized. For some reason that still does not make me feel any better :) . Anyone know a site you can check to see if doctors are rated good or customer comments. We should have one so employees if God Forbid anything happens can say hey I have such and such problem, let me check such and such site and see if it matches up and find out good people vrs bad exp. What worries me is because insurance has approved one doctor does that mean the person is good and has better results or because they play the same stupid games work comp does, I mean you would think they have to be o.k. and thats what they do for a living? Just wish insurane and doctors wernt tied to certains ones because they refer each other back and forth, but because they are good people. I know, I know, hand full of wishes and a hand full or reality :)


Surgery authorized. For some reason that still does not make me feel any better :) . Anyone know a site you can check to see if doctors are rated good or customer comments. We should have one so employees if God Forbid anything happens can say hey I have such and such problem, let me check such and such site and see if it matches up and find out good people vrs bad exp. What worries me is because insurance has approved one doctor does that mean the person is good and has better results or because they play the same stupid games work comp does, I mean you would think they have to be o.k. and thats what they do for a living? Just wish insurane and doctors wernt tied to certains ones because they refer each other back and forth, but because they are good people. I know, I know, hand full of wishes and a hand full or reality :)
Yeah, that's what you want, some other persons opinion of a Dr. If you go into the chat room, you'll find a character named Klein. He will tell you all you need to know.......................................and then some. His word is gospel and his country is mecca.:funny:


No It's not green grocer!
Dear Brother,

I would certainly heed the advice of some of the other posters that have told you to take the least invasive aproach first. I suffered from a herniated disk in the l5-s1 and was treated with a couple steroid injections and some very good physical therapy. Turns out most of my problem came from the overstretched and loosened muscles around the spine, which in turn allowed the free movement of the vertebrae and the disc. I do not want to put any bad light on chiropractic care, as I went to one many times and did experience relief, but the very treatment that was giving me the temporary relief was over the long haul making my problems worse. With each manipulation of my back it stretched and loosened the muscles and ligaments that were intended to keep the space at a constant for the disc. After a couple of months of very intensive P/T The MRI showed a complete reversal of the herniation, the pain was gone and has been gone for well over 5 years now.

I would highly suggest looking into a well respected Physical Therapist.


From the promised LAND

there are some chiros out there that are not as good as others. the first thing you want to see is the plan of treatment. if all they are interested in is adjustments, then take a hike. a good chiro will have a ballance of treatments that work for the common goal of allowing the body to heal itself through total therapy, including adjustments of the injured area, but not adjustments alone.

as for getting a recomendation on surgery success vs failure, there is no such forum, and doubt there ever will be. too many variables. and remember, surgery, regardless of how simple, contains elements of risk. while small, they are still there, and people die on the table or of complications afterward, stuff just happens. so non invasive first, if no help, then cut. its your body.

as for klein, his suggestion would be to go to canada for your surgery, as the medical care here is way overpriced, and not nearly as good as the free care they have up north.

but i would strongly suggest you disregard his suggestion.



Browncafe Steward
I am off work right now myself with a herniated disc, l4/l5. I hurt my back and stomach the first week of December and worked TAW through the 28th of December when I was told to go on comp by my manager. I used UPS's docs through this time because of conveniece to be able to go to therapy while working helping out during peak. The back got worse and now I am seeing a Back speacialist. I am in therapy 2 times a week and have been waiting on Liberty Mutual to approve an epidural. Its been well over a week and they still have not given me the go ahead.

I dont understand! They have an MRI report showing that I have a herniated disc, the Doctor said that it could take up to 3 injections to feel relief and it takes 2 to 3 weeks between injections. By delaying the approval they are just paying me lomger to sit at home and put weight on. I cant do much of anything becase the back lets me know. I stretch out every muscle from my back down to my left foot and it helps for a little. But until this nerve relaxes im screwed, no running, lifting weights nothing.

Hopefully by posting this here it will speed up the process, my center needs drivers, alot of sup working grievances are being filed almost daily. P.s it is nice not to file any grievances right now.


Well-Known Member
OK, just to add my little bit o experience here. Didn't ever have micro...whatever this is called. Had complete cervical fushion. Took the disc completely out and welded the two vertebrae back together with a piece of bone, from my hip. Some have cadaver donor, which, they claim is faster recovery.

Anyway, had that about 15 yrs ago and ain't had no bit o trouble since. I'm sure if this micro...is less invasive, you'll do just fine. Good luck.


From the promised LAND

there is a huge difference between cervical fusion and issues with the lumbar/sacral areas. like many pounds, the need to lift and carry etc.

what can work well in the neck does not work as well in the lower back.

big thing, if your disc is ruptured, there is nothing else to do.

but this guy has options, and that is what we are encouraging him to do.

but i am very tickled that you came through this with flying colors. at ups, any surgery between your skull and your hips can put you out.



From the promised LAND

i stand corrected, as i am an example of that very issue.

bad thing about it is that had the sups done what the docs told them on my limits, i would have never hurt my other knee trying to protect what was hurt. as a result, it was the other knee that caused me to have to leave ups, not the original injury. i would still be there otherwise.



Browncafe Steward
Just got off the phone with Liberty Mutual and my epidurals have been denied by the "peer group". I asked how could it be denied when there is an MRI showing that I have a Herniated disc. She replied that the wording might not have been correct from the Dr. ***!

She said that they are tryng to override the peer groups decision. I explained my frustration with this whole mess and tld her I could be going in for my 2nd shot next week already, but I still have not been approved for my 1st shot. They are just dlaying the process and if they want to pay me to sit at home, only they could control that.

I have contacted an attorney and waiting for a call back.


Well-Known Member

there is a huge difference between cervical fusion and issues with the lumbar/sacral areas. like many pounds, the need to lift and carry etc.

what can work well in the neck does not work as well in the lower back.

big thing, if your disc is ruptured, there is nothing else to do.

but this guy has options, and that is what we are encouraging him to do.

but i am very tickled that you came through this with flying colors. at ups, any surgery between your skull and your hips can put you out.


funny you should mention hips, (then get corrected). Just coming off my last total hip replacement also. Changed my name to Steve Austin.

No, I wasn't inferring to what I had done with my neck or any other part of my, piece o chit, body was on the same level as this or any other persons injuries or ills, I guess what I was trying to point out, that in some cases, even with this, so-called, simple cervical fusion deal nowadays, some people are still totally against it, wish they never had it, and advise against it. I've heard nothing but complaints from people that have had it. I, on the other hand, recommend it to everyone that has a similar problem. My hips, also. I've heard nothing but gripes from everyone that's ever had it. Not me! Would do it again in a heartbeat.

I guess what I was trying to do is get this guy/gal to listen to all the options (and I had many also), but still go with what you think is going to be the best for your situation. I did and am glad to say that I am still able to be a source of irritation for UPS. But not for long, I hope.


Well-Known Member
Just got off the phone with Liberty Mutual and my epidurals have been denied by the "peer group". I asked how could it be denied when there is an MRI showing that I have a Herniated disc. She replied that the wording might not have been correct from the Dr. ***!

She said that they are tryng to override the peer groups decision. I explained my frustration with this whole mess and tld her I could be going in for my 2nd shot next week already, but I still have not been approved for my 1st shot. They are just dlaying the process and if they want to pay me to sit at home, only they could control that.

I have contacted an attorney and waiting for a call back.

Had that happen with one o my knees a few years ago. Couldn't even walk on it and LM kept draggin feet. Told them I was scheduling surgery without their approval and would put it all on Aetna and then they could fight it out later. They said I couldn't do that. I said I was scheduled for that Monday and try to stop me.

By golly, went and did it, put it all on Aetna just to get my thru process and, lo and behold, a couple weeks later, it was approved. Now, guess what? LM and Aetna had to duke it out. What a bureaucratic mess!

brother in brown

Active Member
Spoke with family, friends, doctors and lawyers - Monday I will make the apt for the pre-op :( , I see no other choice and no other alternative-than living on rx drugs uhh :) . Just wish I was the Big Guy Upstairs, so I would know how it all turns out :) . Will keep posted as I go - Thanks


Well-Known Member
Sorry for all who have back issues and good luck to you brother on your surgery. This just cements the fact that you HAVE to lift safe every stop every day. This job will wear out your body even though you are careful and follow all safety methods. When I read posts like this it makes me want to work even more safe....
Just got off the phone with Liberty Mutual and my epidurals have been denied by the "peer group". I asked how could it be denied when there is an MRI showing that I have a Herniated disc. She replied that the wording might not have been correct from the Dr. ***!

She said that they are tryng to override the peer groups decision. I explained my frustration with this whole mess and tld her I could be going in for my 2nd shot next week already, but I still have not been approved for my 1st shot. They are just dlaying the process and if they want to pay me to sit at home, only they could control that.

I have contacted an attorney and waiting for a call back.
Red, I know esactly what you are going through, that has been my life for a little over a year now. Retiring hasn't helped a bit either. Here is a little advice for you. DO NOT accept a MMI before you know this is all over, once the MMI rating is accepted by LibMut, your TIBs are done.
In my case, I was getting back into a P800 (for the record I am only 5'8") using the 3 point stance, I also used my left hand on the door trying to pull myself into the PC. I felt a sharp pain, followed by a fist sized knot in my right back. Result was bulging L4,L5, S1. It took a month and two appeals to get PT approved. six weeks later I felt much better but still had a milder version of the knot in the back. I was getting stronger and the knot was reducing in size slowly. The Docs and I all felt like I was well on the way to recovery, so I let them do the MMI and I went back to work without restrictions. Worked three weeks and had a relapse. Since this was deemed the same injury, the MMI stood and even though I was not able to work I was not eligible for TIBs ( that was last May). Since then I was approved for an epidural shot after three weeks and one appeal, then three weeks and needed a second shot...yep, three more weeks and one more appeal. When the Doc decided I needed a 3rd shot it was denied and the two allowed appeals were both denied by the peer assessment. The peer Doc suggested PT and home exercises, so the treating Doc refered me for PT, it was denied. Now I have to go back to the treating Doc next week to see what to do next. I should have retained a lawyer after the first week after the injury, but you know what they say about hind site.
The question I want answered is, "Does UPS want experienced drivers recuperated from injuries to come back to work or do they want us to fade away?" I think it's the latter.

Good Luck to you Red, you are going to need it.


Browncafe Steward
Trp thank you and sorry to here what you have gone through, it is uncalled for.

I have the same question as Upstate, what is MMI and TIB?

Coldworld, I do lift carefully all day and no matter how perfect you are, you cannot avoid a falling package. I drive a 24ft van and it was full 100%. I opened the door at my first stop just to get the airs for it out. I was not in a dock and I was grabbing the NDA a 40lb crate came falling down on to me. I threw my hands up to catch it and I twisted as I caught it. The pain shot out my lower back alll the way down through my left foot.

My left foot feels cold all day, while all my muscles from my lower back through my left butttock and left leg just spasm up around these nerves. I cannot do much of anything and to top it off I contiinued working and about an hour later I strained my stomach as I was compensating for my back. Its been 2 months and the stomach still hurts, but not as bad as the back pain.