

Well-Known Member
You guys are delusional if you think today's young people aren't going to slash your social security once we're in office.

None of us expect to collect much from social security we won't feel sorry for you. Sitting on your ass the last 30 years of your life, what a joke.
A lot of people pay in most of their life and die before collecting any or little. If I take it at 67 according to you I'll live to 97. Not likely. Might not make it to 77. And with heart issues may not collect anything.

You also forget seniors tend to vote more than other groups. Young politicians aren't going to throw grandma off the cliff. And you'll find as you get close to retirement that you'll be glad that payment is waiting for you. May not think so now but young people think they'll live forever, that they won't deteriorate. You'll feel differently when you start noticing things that didn't use to happen.


Well-Known Member
A lot of people pay in most of their life and die before collecting any or little. If I take it at 67 according to you I'll live to 97. Not likely. Might not make it to 77. And with heart issues may not collect anything.

You also forget seniors tend to vote more than other groups. Young politicians aren't going to throw grandma off the cliff. And you'll find as you get close to retirement that you'll be glad that payment is waiting for you. May not think so now but young people think they'll live forever, that they won't deteriorate. You'll feel differently when you start noticing things that didn't use to happen.
Van, the guy can't be reasoned with, but you knew that.


Inordinately Right
A lot of people pay in most of their life and die before collecting any or little. If I take it at 67 according to you I'll live to 97. Not likely. Might not make it to 77. And with heart issues may not collect anything.

You also forget seniors tend to vote more than other groups. Young politicians aren't going to throw grandma off the cliff. And you'll find as you get close to retirement that you'll be glad that payment is waiting for you. May not think so now but young people think they'll live forever, that they won't deteriorate. You'll feel differently when you start noticing things that didn't use to happen.
You only feel that way because you failed financially your whole life. It's no one's fault but your own that you stayed at fed ex.

Young people dont expect social security. And we won't feel bad when we cut yours.
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Well-Known Member
You only feel that way because you failed financially your whole life. It's no one's fault but your own that you stayed at fed ex.

Young people dint expect social security. And we won't feel bad when we cut yours.
I'm sure that gives you the warm fuzzies. I worked towards a pension. Both my brother and sister, plus my stepbrother and stepsister, made more than me financially but don't have a pension. They're worried because how are they going to maintain that lifestyle in retirement? They have to continue to work just like millions upon millions. I'm not critical of them for the choices they made, and now that they see me collecting the pension they wished they had gotten into something that gave them one too. Didn't get the full lifetime pension I had worked towards, but enough to bridge a gap and get some freedom. You can call me a failure all you want, I have the chance to do what I've always wanted, travel. And that's worth more to me than a hot car, a new iPhone, the nice house in the suburbs. YMMV.
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Inordinately Right
I'm sure that gives you the warm fuzzies. I worked towards a pension. Both my brother and sister, plus my stepbrother and stepsister, made more than me financially but don't have a pension. They're worried because how are they going to maintain that lifestyle in retirement? They have to continue to work just like millions upon millions. I'm not critical of them for the choices they made, and now that they see me collecting the pension they wished they had gotten into something that gave them one too. Not the full lifetime pension I had worked towards, but enough to bridge a gap and get some freedom. You can call me a failure all you want, I have the chance to do what I've always wanted, travel. And that's worth more to me than a hot car, a new iPhone, the nice house in the suburbs. YMMV.
So your whole family failed?


Well-Known Member
So your whole family failed?
No, they do quite well. Nice homes, well educated, good jobs. I guess you work for UPS and as long as you do the time you'll have a comfortable retirement. Find out what percentage of the population has something similar going for them. Easy to assume everyone else is doing as well as you, has a rock solid retirement with no need for things like Social Security. You assume wrong if you think that.


Inordinately Right
No, they do quite well. Nice homes, well educated, good jobs. I guess you work for UPS and as long as you do the time you'll have a comfortable retirement. Find out what percentage of the population has something similar going for them. Easy to assume everyone else is doing as well as you, has a rock solid retirement with no need for things like Social Security. You assume wrong if you think that.
Cool story.

Still gonna cut your social security.
Deal with it snowflake.


Well-Known Member
Nah, I got my Social Security, you won't because your generation doesn't believe in it. Good luck with that!

His generation will have a change of mind when they discover what their 40 to 50 years of social security contributions could have been. Quite possibly dido could be the biggest waste of an egg and sperm, almost makes me rethink my position on abortion.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
His generation will have a change of mind when they discover what their 40 to 50 years of social security contributions could have been. Quite possibly dido could be the biggest waste of an egg and sperm, almost makes me rethink my position on abortion.
Heard the doctor slapped his momma when he was born!


Well-Known Member
Cool story.

Still gonna cut your social security.
Deal with it snowflake.
You're a fool if you think that the 85% of your age group that works now in dead-end jobs with no benefits and definitely no retirement plan will let Social Security die. Most of your generation are the ones sucking on the welfare teat and need food stamps now to make ends meet. Because you can only see a few inches past your own nose, you don't have a clue as to what automation, robotics, and AI are going to do to ANY high paying job. High paying jobs ARE the biggest targets corporation have and will disappear as fast as those assembly line jobs. And I tell you now that landscaping jobs don't pay that well, no matter how many doctorate degrees you have.

Thinking that your generation will cut off social security is a joke when they will have nothing else to lean on.