
under the radar

A Trained Professional

If you want my opinion, this whole system was developed to rid UPS of the Teamsters.

Think about it. When we struck in 97, the company was caught with their pants down. They never thought that we would actually strike and if we did, we'd cross the picket line by the thousands. Didn't happen! Well, they weren't going to get caught like that again. So they started development of the PAS/EDD system. It wasn't ready for the 2002 contract, so they pretty much gave the Teamsters what they wanted just to bide time. The goal now is to have the system fully implemented by next contract. That is why they don't have time to listen to drivers or get it working right.

That way , they can try to get consessions and should we strike, they can hire any monkey off the street to do our jobs. (Good luck with that!!)

This is just my opinion. I could be totally wrong. Only time will tell.

All the monkeys are already employed by DHL and FEDEX.


Been on EDD for years. We ALL will be on EDD when they are done. The whole idea is to eventually have the computer run dispatch (adjusting routes) based on projected volume. EDD will automatically give/pull splits. Do I hear NIGHTMARE?!? Our center pays a full time operations supervisor to just drive around all day meeting drivers to pull "Bad Pal" pkgs off cars so they will not be sheeted as missed---thereby keeping the success numbers of EDD high. It is all an illusion. 9.5? Our center just wants to make sure you can get in with your air. Before EDD our dispatch was 90% in range----now we are lucky to hit 35%. CHA-CHING!!! Don't bother running trace. Use your area/customer knowledge. Oh---and pack the Pepcid!


Retired Senior Member
I hate going in and seeing the DA belt full of packages that were not projected or forecast in the system. It usually means the preload won't be wrapped & the right splits have not been made! The 9.5 issue comes into play when this happens & there are only 10% of the drivers that want the big OT day.


Staff member
Our building is just about at 3 years with PAS.

It is ALL about your preloader. I have THE BEST preloader. For my first 2 years with PAS, I had your average preloaders. Your average preloader, who did alright before PAS, will suck with PAS.
You really need a professional preloader with PAS. A preloader who can load, AND COMPARE THE PAL TO THE ADDRESS WHILE LOADING. A preloader who WANTS to get everything right.
There are very few who can do it. I mean, anyone can throw packages into the car, but to have a preloader who catches all the mistakes (and there are many) is KEY.


Thanks for all the comments. I know all of us just want to do a good job, deliver our pkgs and go home. Just tired, you may have something there, i wouldnt put it past them. Only two more days and it will be the weekend!!!!:thumbup1::thumbup1::thumbup1::thumbup1::thumbup1::thumbup1::thumbup1:


Our building is just about at 3 years with PAS.

It is ALL about your preloader. I have THE BEST preloader. For my first 2 years with PAS, I had your average preloaders. Your average preloader, who did alright before PAS, will suck with PAS.
You really need a professional preloader with PAS. A preloader who can load, AND COMPARE THE PAL TO THE ADDRESS WHILE LOADING. A preloader who WANTS to get everything right.
There are very few who can do it. I mean, anyone can throw packages into the car, but to have a preloader who catches all the mistakes (and there are many) is KEY.

While I agree with you, its hard to keep such people, many find another much better paying job (or at least more flexible). Unless there is something here that they need (besides extra money), most leave.