Ran across this earlier today while on one of my lunch breaks. Read it.


Well-Known Member
Dano, you just need to stay away from Latin if you can not understand what its meaning. But thanks for your concern. You don't upset me at all. However, you offend many so perhaps the problem is with you. But maybe you are just to close to th TV to see it.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Dano, you just need to stay away from Latin if you can not understand what its meaning. But thanks for your concern. You don't upset me at all. However, you offend many so perhaps the problem is with you. But maybe you are just to close to th TV to see it.

No one expressed any problem about my use of the word aside from you, so I bet that they don't care. I agree, some people here are offended by me. Most of it stems from my interruption of the -groupthink isn't the right word, which I'm sure you'd be quick to point out- echo chamber nature of this place. Some of them aren't very tolerant at all of anyone who thinks differently or even acts as the devil's advocate and it really gets under their skin. I'm glad that I offend people who are that intolerant and I don't even really have to try.

Thanks for your concern, though. You can be the expert in Latin.