Red, White and .....PORN ?....LOL


Well-Known Member
:cool_dog:Why doesn't this surprise :happy-very:

Americans may paint themselves in increasingly bright shades of red and blue, but new research finds one thing that varies little across the nation: the liking for online pornography.

A new nationwide study (pdf) of anonymised credit-card receipts from a major online adult entertainment provider finds little variation in consumption between states. "When it comes to adult entertainment, it seems people are more the same than different," says Benjamin Edelman at Harvard Business School.

However, there are some trends to be seen in the data. Those states that do consume the most porn tend to be more conservative and religious than states with lower levels of consumption, the study finds. "Some of the people who are most outraged turn out to be consumers of the very things they claimed to be outraged by," Edelman says.

The biggest consumer, Utah, averaged 5.47 adult content subscriptions per 1000 home broadband users; Montana bought the least with 1.92 per 1000. And again, eight of the top 10 pornography consuming states gave their electoral votes to John McCain in last year's presidential election--Florida and Hawaii were the exceptions. While six out of the lowest 10 favoured Barack Obama.

Churchgoers bought less online porn on Sundays--a 1% increase in a postal code's religious attendance was associated with a 0.1% drop in subscriptions that day. Not to worry, though: expenditures on other days of the week brought churchgoers in line with the rest of the country.


Well-Known Member
Only idiots pay for porn on the internet.

I'm sure that 5.7 is closer to 50 or 60 if you counted people that look at internet porn for free. And that's just one state.

So saying "Conservatives are Biggest Consumers" from the info in that article is retarded at best.


Well-Known Member
Only idiots pay for porn on the internet.

I'm sure that 5.7 is closer to 50 or 60 if you counted people that look at internet porn for free. And that's just one state.

So saying "Conservatives are Biggest Consumers" from the info in that article is retarded at best.

In case you haven't read it, there's a paper trail that came to this conclusion thats called data. So being the knowledgable one on free porn, what stats and statistical data did you apply for your retardation conclusion....


Well-Known Member
In case you haven't read it, there's a paper trail that came to this conclusion thats called data. So being the knowledgable one on free porn, what stats and statistical data did you apply for your retardation conclusion....

Yes it's such a good article. It passes judgment on ALL conservatives based on information from one internet porn sight.

This paper trail is credit card info separated by states. So just because a particular state won the electoral collage votes for one candidate or the other, everyone in that state is either or a Liberal or Conservative. It makes perfect sense if you have non at all.

So being the knowledgable one on free porn, what stats and statistical data did you apply for your retardation conclusion....

You're right I should have said probably. The only conclusion I was getting at is payed for internet porn will be at a minority to free internet porn.