Right or Left --All American's add to this list------Loss of freedoms. Danger !!!


golden ticket member


Well-Known Member
"I don't want to overstate or understate our level of concern," said McQuade, the Catholic bishops' spokesperson. "We consider [birth control] an elective drug. Married women can practice periodic abstinence. Other women can abstain altogether. Not having sex doesn't make you sick."

The irony is rich from a Catholic hierarchy that has behaved so shamefully in regards to its own sex abuse scandals. Just this week, the New York Times noted that Cardinal Timothy Egan apologized for apologizing for an abuse scandal that occurred on his watch: "In an interview in the February issue of Connecticut magazine, a surprisingly frank Cardinal Egan said of the apology, 'I never should have said that,' and added, 'I don’t think we did anything wrong.'"

No one is telling the bishops to hand out pills. It is part of an insurance plan that a business supplies as an employer!!


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
As a Catholic, I am more offended by the abuses by the churchs priests and hierarchy than I am by OBAMA. I applaud the president for trying to reach out to those women who are most likely going to use an abortion as birth control since their church wont allow them to recieve contraception from health care they recieve from catholic organizations.

I guess the religious right still prefers increasing the number of abortions nationwide as long as it was preceeded by a religious action first.




golden ticket member
Looks like he's pissed off the insurance companies now..........it's a political move, but it won't help with the Catholic or Hispanic vote....he's already shown his hand this past month.


Well-Known Member
As a Catholic, I am more offended by the abuses by the churchs priests and hierarchy than I am by OBAMA. I applaud the president for trying to reach out to those women who are most likely going to use an abortion as birth control since their church wont allow them to recieve contraception from health care they recieve from catholic organizations.

I guess the religious right still prefers increasing the number of abortions nationwide as long as it was preceeded by a religious action first.



Then they can buy a rubber. At your local CVS or Walmart.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Sexual responsibility goes beyond the male. Equality is the key. If a woman wants to prevent pregnancy, you all are saying she shouldnt be allowed because the catholic church says she cant and we have to respect the wishes of the church before the wishes of an individual.

isnt that a violation of a persons rights?

Who is really upset over this issue? Fox news, the right wing talking heads, catholic bishops and cardinals are the only ones complaining about providing health care. There is NO UPROAR in the hispanic community over this.

Its a nothing issue to hispanics other than Marco Rubio.

What I find amazing is how those who are complaining about contraception coverage are the same ones who complain about abortions and welfare. The only thing the opposition to contraception will end up supporting is an increase in Unwanted pregnancies among catholics and an increase in welfare dependencies.

Nice work.




golden ticket member
NO, you are wrong........you and others just don't get it.

The woman can take 25 birth control pills a day........I don't care at all. That's her personal decision.

The fact that Odrama has made an "accomodation" that he refuses to call a compromise so he won't appear weak......means he could've done that from the very beginning like he promised the bishop he met with in Nov. But, no, he wanted to push the envelope as far as possible to see if he could get away with it. Well, he alienated a lot of Catholics and others. Last time I looked, Hispanics were mostly Catholic. Their bishops also read letters in Spanish in their churches too.

They also see what a power play Obama was trying to get away with.

It's not birth control, but who has to pay for it and now Obama says the ins. companies have to and not the Church. Either way, the woman gets the birth control..................see? The opposition is in paying for it.........but you can use it if you want to.


Well-Known Member
Island's first post in this thread offered a good point and to be fair the 2nd post in which TOS offered his comment had equal position. In fairness to Island however, he did not come here until after 2004' but TOS' charge still applies here to several. Beyond that, this thread IMO just seems to be going in circles and most likely will continue to do so and thus until this moment I saw no reason to enter the tail chasing.

But that changed a little bit ago when Sheldon Richman, editor of The Freeman offered this observation and I do think it's applicable here.

Well of course the ruling elite is worried about the revolt against the contraception mandate. Can you imagine the consequences if people came to believe that no one should ever be forced to finance what he or she finds abhorrent?

Now I return you all to the tail chasing!


Well-Known Member
As a Catholic, I am more offended by the abuses by the churchs priests and hierarchy than I am by OBAMA. I applaud the president for trying to reach out to those women who are most likely going to use an abortion as birth control since their church wont allow them to recieve contraception from health care they recieve from catholic organizations.

I guess the religious right still prefers increasing the number of abortions nationwide as long as it was preceeded by a religious action first.



If you are a Catholic, I am the Daili Lama.


Well-Known Member
Why would you doubt his Catholicism? He doesn't meet your expectations of a Catholic?

Because in other religious threads TOS has espoused how great it is to be an atheist, but in a Catholic thread he/she/it is a Catholic? Give me a break.


Well-Known Member
"“It states, for example, that religious employers ‘will not’ have to pay for abortion pills, sterilization and contraception, but their ‘insurance companies’ will. Who pays for the insurance policy? The religious employer.”

Friday, February 10, 2012 @ 4:07 pm |
Pro-Life Leaders: No, Obama Didn’t “Compromise” On Birth Control Mandate…

As usual obama backed off and created a compromise. i guess that is called getting things done and working together. As ive heard only a small group of catholics still see this as a problem . People like dolan and the other bishops. But Keehan president of the catholic health association and catholic charities are fine with the compromise as well as tim kaine,etc.

Politically it helps obama (it shows how open he is to compromise) but principally on this issue it hurts women in the end.


Staff member
As usual obama backed off and created a compromise. i guess that is called getting things done and working together. As ive heard only a small group of catholics still see this as a problem . People like dolan and the other bishops. But Keehan president of the catholic health association and catholic charities are fine with the compromise as well as tim kaine,etc.

Politically it helps obama (it shows how open he is to compromise) but principally on this issue it hurts women in the end.
Politically, I thought Obama should have let Romney bathe in the Santorum (gross joke intentional) for a while longer. Let Santorum keep the spotlight for a while and keep the far right radicals spouting off as Romney tries to be taken seriously.

As for hurting women in the end? I don't know. I figure somehow it will get covered and really, is it really that big of an expense? Last I checked, guys could protect all involved for about $1 in any gas station in town. It's been a while, so maybe the cost has gone up. Were those covered by insurance?


Well-Known Member
Politically, I thought Obama should have let Romney bathe in the Santorum (gross joke intentional) for a while longer. Let Santorum keep the spotlight for a while and keep the far right radicals spouting off as Romney tries to be taken seriously.

As for hurting women in the end? I don't know. I figure somehow it will get covered and really, is it really that big of an expense? Last I checked, guys could protect all involved for about $1 in any gas station in town. It's been a while, so maybe the cost has gone up. Were those covered by insurance?

Prescription type birth conrtol for women is not cheap: IUDs, the pills, ru486, etc.


Staff member
Prescription type birth conrtol for women is not cheap: IUDs, the pills, ru486, etc.
Ok. But I think the compromise still said it will be covered, just not by the same insurance policy. I wouldn't call it backing down. I'd call it smart negotiation. Put the offer you want on the table and know you will probably not get it so have a backup plan ready.