Sarah Palin--Disagree must you Destroy ?


Für Meno :)
Jan.19th, 2011

Poll: Palin approval at record low

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin gets the lowest public approval rating since she was picked by John McCain as the Republicans' 2008 vice presidential nominee, according to a new USA Today/Gallup Poll.

Just 38 percent of those surveyed have a favorable view of Palin, while 53 percent see her unfavorably.

The 53 percent unfavorable figure for Palin is just one point better than the 54 percent in the poll who voiced an unfavorable opinion of former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. The Pelosi-led Democrats lost control of the U.S. House of Representatives in the November election.

Gallup polled 1,032 people last Thursday through Sunday, after Palin's post-Tucson video but before her controversial Monday interview with Sean Hannity on the Fox News Channel.


golden ticket member
At this point, who cares about a poll for Palin?? She's an ex-governor, she's not at this time a candidate for any office and she's got a job as a commentator on Fox News.

She, along with Hannity however, pushed Piers Morgan's new show with guest Oprah to #2 on it's premier night. She does attract TV viewership. Somebody sure likes her.

I mostly like what she says. I like the relationship & respect she shows for parents and grandparents. I really don't see why some people hate her so vehemently.


Für Meno :)
I didn't watch any of the above shows.
Was too busy watching the #1 show on Tuesdays, and that's "The Biggest Loser" !


Pees in the brown Koolaid
While I would agree that Morgans comment was tacky and in very poor taste, there is an element of ironic truth to what he says.

The only reason why Palin was selected to be McCains running mate...and the only reason that Palin is even on the political stage because she is an attractive woman.

Would McCain have picked her if she was overweight? Would he have picked her if she was a frumpy-looking 60 year old with gray hair and wrinkles? Not a chance. Palin was nothing but a piece of eye candy for the gun owners and right wingers to drool over.

The very thought of Sarah Palin ever having posession of the launch codes for over 1500 nuclear warheads scares the sh%t out of me.


Well-Known Member
While I would agree that Morgans comment was tacky and in very poor taste, there is an element of ironic truth to what he says.

The only reason why Palin was selected to be McCains running mate...and the only reason that Palin is even on the political stage because she is an attractive woman.

Would McCain have picked her if she was overweight? Would he have picked her if she was a frumpy-looking 60 year old with gray hair and wrinkles? Not a chance. Palin was nothing but a piece of eye candy for the gun owners and right wingers to drool over.

The very thought of Sarah Palin ever having posession of the launch codes for over 1500 nuclear warheads scares the sh%t out of me.

Agreed Sober.

Tracy Morgan in fact didn't say one thing that a whole host of "republican" male voters have jokingly said themselves, not just as direct as Tracy did. IMO Palin and the McCain/Republican "team" among other things played the "cougar" angle during the 08' election and now folks wanna yell foul when it's results come oozing forth!

Hey, you made your bed so lay in it!


golden ticket member
I still don't understand why she is so feverishly attacked......she's not even a candidate for anything.....she has a TV job same as Meghan Kelly, Juan Williams, etc. She's a mom, has a job, is interested in politics, has an opinion and speaks it, is a hunter, a sportslady, would think people might admire someone with those qualities. Instead, I think she is just smashed down by the left....they are either very jealous or very scared.

I like her. No, I don't want her for president. I just don't understand the mean spirited attacking .


Well-Known Member
WTF ???
Don't get excited Obama's speech was entitled "Winning the Future"
Who is stupid ???
Main problem snooty blue blood Rino's and Limosine Liberals only allow "old" money in their group and cocktail parties.
All of us should realize us common people are looked at as dummies.
That is why common down home talk Sarah Palin is hated by the U.S. royalty on both left and right.
Wake up !!:wink2:
Actually Klein I do have to agree with you on post 293. She is as dumb as a post, just is she`s a post with great legs. Four or five colleges in 5 years? Quits the job as Governor of Alaska. She`s a show boater looking for attention. But she say`s the right things to people in the right frame of mind. Kind of like being queen of the lowest common denominator.

Having a politician in office who`s bat:censored2: crazy is much less dangerous than putting one in office that thinks they`re sane and have all the answers to our ills.


Well-Known Member
Having a politician in office who`s bat:censored2: crazy is much less dangerous than putting one in office that thinks they`re sane and have all the answers to our ills.

Can't we have a real, honest-to-god qualified and sane candidate? Oh, wait, democracy and opinions ... meh.
If we ever did have a honest, qualified, sane candidate the minute he/she pissed off the wrong people by not being on the take they would put a bullet in them and we`re back to square one.


Strength through joy
How Lovely: Montana Children’s Theater Play Calls For Beheading of Sarah Palin…

Open letter to MCT director Curt Olds:​
First I would like to compliment you and the entire staff of "The Mikado" on the beautiful sets, costuming and professional performance we experienced on Sunday, Jan. 23. However, I must call you on something that was inserted into the play which I am almost positive was not in the original book.​
The comments made in such a cavalier and oh-so-humorous way were uncalled for. Now, I realize you play to a mostly liberal audience in Missoula and so, I am sure, felt comfortable in your calling for the beheading of Sarah Palin. I am painfully aware that most in the audience tittered with laughter and clapped because "no one would miss her" but there were some in your audience who took great offense to this "uncivil tone" about another human being.​
We are in the midst of a crisis that took place in Tucson where many started pointing fingers at that horrible right wing with all their hatred and targeting and standing for the second amendment and on and on and on. So, here we are in a lovely play with beautiful voices serenading us and we have to hear that it is okay to call for the killing of Sarah Palin because we don't like her and no one would miss her. Unbelievable.​
As a professional you should be ashamed of yourself, the audience should be ashamed of themselves and I am ashamed of myself for not standing up and leaving at that very moment. I would like to see an apology from you not because I want to hinder free-speech but for the hypocrisy this so clearly shows.​
Rory Page, Clinton


golden ticket member
[h=2]Hollywood Moonbat of The Day: Actor-Comedian Orlando Jones Tells Liberals They Should “Kill Sarah Palin”…[/h]

Keepin’ it classy.
(Hollywood Reporter) — ”If my tweets are so upsetting to you please do not read them,” the actor tells a Twitter follower.
Orlando Jones must not have gotten the memo about maintaining a civil tone with political rhetoric. You know, the one issued when Sarah Palin said words like “reload” and “target” while campaigning for congressional candidates a year ago
The actor-comedian tweeted over the weekend: “Libyan Rebels kill Gaddafi, if American liberals want respect they better stop listening to Aretha & kill Sarah Palin.”

The tweet didn’t get much notice beyond a few followers who responded, though a few conservatives began to blog about it on Monday.