Sarah Palin- hypocrite or just looking for better health care??


Staff member
"Moreluck, you realize, it was reported that many of the spectators that came to worship Palin in Nv were out of state groupies who can't vote in that state."

It was a rally of many voters. They can vote conservative in whatever state they came from. One of the nearest drives would be from CA. and those votes can get rid of the likes of Boxer & Finestein. :peaceful:
Boxer has a real fight on her hands this time, once the republicans get around to picking their candidate this will be an interesting race. Fiorina and Campbell look to be neck and neck right now.


Well-Known Member
Boxer has a real fight on her hands this time, once the republicans get around to picking their candidate this will be an interesting race. Fiorina and Campbell look to be neck and neck right now.

I have NEVER voted republican, however I do like Tom Campbell former Congressman from San Jose. He is a fiscal conservative and social liberal. Fiorina doen't stand a chance she will get ripped trying to explain her compensation when she was "asked" to leave HP.


Long Time Member
And after "ya" spend some time with her, you can drop the (g) when "ya" speak... How's that "hopey-changy thing going for ya"..."Stick around, ya might learn somethin", Geez. that's got to drive Todd crazy.....

Are you anti Hot Woman? Just asking as your reply was very confusing.