So When Did Voter Anger Start?


Well-Known Member
Try the year 1954'

Sixty-nine percent of voters nationwide are angry with the policies of the federal government.
To understand why, it’s important to remember that most voters believe tax cuts and government spending cuts are good for the economy. Collectively, voters have voted for politicians who promised spending cuts and tax cuts in just about every election over the past four decades.

Barack Obama promised tax cuts for 95 percent of all Americans. George W. Bush’s across-the-board tax cuts were the centerpiece of his domestic policy. Bill Clinton promised tax cuts for the middle class. The first President Bush asked the nation to read his lips while promising no new taxes. And Ronald Reagan rode the tax revolt to the White House. Jimmy Carter ran as a fiscal conservative, and Richard Nixon was more fiscally conservative than Hubert Humphrey.

Despite that track record and clear expression of voter preferences, total government spending has gone up in America every single year since Bill Haley was topping the charts with “Rock Around the Clock,” a young singer named Elvis Presley made his first commercial recording, and Hank Aaron hit his first home run as a rookie for the Milwaukee Braves. That was way back in 1954, with Dwight Eisenhower in the White House.


Well-Known Member

Not sure the anger started then. Pols have expanded govt because the people have demanded it. Eisenhower expanded it with the National highway system, Kennedy and Johnson with Medicare, Medicaid, war on poverty, etc, civil rights over states rights,, Nixon had the EPA, Reagan expanded the military indrustial complex, Bush sr with ADA, Bush jr with homeland security, medicare prescriptions. Obama with expanding the private and public health care system for 30 million.

Problems occurred over the past 30 yrs when pols cut taxes on the rich and corporations and cap gains tax cuts while the middle class have to work two jobs to make ends meet!!