Suspension With Pay


Well-Known Member
Your posts to female members of the BC seem to have a “please touch my decrepit old pee pee” subtext.

Too bad you failed at being a husband (i.e. a real man).
You can't get in my kitchen, it's not possible.
I know exactly what I am, exactly what I have done, exactly how and what I do day to day, everyday.

It is bad I failed as a husband, it's no different than my ex-wife failing as a wife.
Our children did not fail as children, but they have failed in life because of their parents.

You can't fill my shoes trick, I take responsibility for my :bsbullf: , you blame others. I'm not proud, nothing to be proud for. I'm just a forgiven piece of :poop:.

Now tell the truth on this thread, it was all fiction, :bsbullf:, made up in your head to provoke replies.

I can see straight through you, Mr. Psychological analyst.

Hit me back.


I was suspended with pay for one day, and was wondering if I should bother challenging it.

During the AM sort, I generally let people use my IPod and Bluetooth speakers to play music as long as I am present, and can monitor the setlist. Everyone knows if I’m not physically present during the sort it’s not cool to use my property.

On this particular day, I was sorting doc’s, and a CR had given me a trace on an ISR envelope, so I took the document to the CSA after I applied the SIP scan.

When I left, I paused the IPod, and explicitly stated it should not be played until I returned.

I was in the office much longer than anticipated, as the CSA refused to call the customer that initiated the trace on the envelope (total joke, but not germane to the incident).

Because I was gone for an extended period, a handler became impatient and started playing my music again. Unfortunately, one of the songs played was David Allen Coe’s “If That Ain’t Country, I’ll Kiss Your Ass”, which contains a racial slur.

Some of the black folk at my station complained (I don’t blame them), and the senior sent me home for the rest of the day. I was later informed it would be a one day paid suspension, since my property was used to transmit the slur.

Personally, I think it’s total BS since numerous people on the sort heard me say not to use my property unless I was present.

Is it worth fighting?
One day paid suspension is like a vacation
Go to your favorite dive bar you know the one the beers always cold and the a/c turned down real low and get S* faced on the company dime


Well-Known Member
One day paid suspension is like a vacation
Go to your favorite dive bar you know the one the beers always cold and the a/c turned down real low and get S* faced on the company dime
I like the way you roll country club. :thumbup1:

Eff em :thumbup1:.

His scenario was total :bsbullf:.

I've got the second round, save your company dime.


Well-Known Member
It's amazing these companies cannot keep any new help but are very quick to try to fire all the experience and talented employees

This has also amazed me. They’re so nit picky about relatively minor things (break violations, uniforms, etc.), but can’t get the major stuff right.

And I’m very glad to learn that it takes three letters in a year to get fired. But I also think it’s how many you get within three years.
This has also amazed me. They’re so nit picky about relatively minor things (break violations, uniforms, etc.), but can’t get the major stuff right.

And I’m very glad to learn that it takes three letters in a year to get fired. But I also think it’s how many you get within three years.
But yet at the same time none of these delivery companies can retain new employees


Retired 23 years
Because I was gone for an extended period, a handler became impatient and started playing my music again. Unfortunately, one of the songs played was David Allen Coe’s “If That Ain’t Country, I’ll Kiss Your Ass”, which contains a racial slur.

Some of the black folk at my station complained (I don’t blame them), and the senior sent me home for the rest of the day. I was later informed it would be a one day paid suspension, since my property was used to transmit the slur.
Black people are so friend'ing sensitive now days. Bunch of crybabies.


Extra Large Package
I would just make sure if you ever hear those same folks who turned you in use a racial slur towards each other, I'd go straight to management and turn them in. Fair is fair.


Well-Known Member
Yeah. You are an expert in cultural differences..
What cultural differences do white & black people have? We’re Americans. It’s American culture. The inner cities in this country are America. Not Africa lol. Their culture is our culture. The black community has to let go of the divisive attempt to have their own everything. Black history month is ridiculous. It’s American history. As the great Morgan Freeman says, “if you want racism to die, stop talking about race”. And stop bitching about a song in a warehouse. As Falcon would say, if this country sucks so much, leave and go to Africa.