

Pees in the brown Koolaid
I am mid to heavily tattooed and it seems to come and go as an issue. Have not heard much about it lately but tomorrow is a new day. Wish some one would grandfather me in as I had tats before I was a driver and it was not an issue then....

In my area back in 2005 they started making all new hires aware of the tat policy, and informing prospective drivers that visible tats had to be covered up as a condition of becoming a driver. Anyone hired as a driver prior to that time was grandfathered in.

I have a tattoo but it is high up on my arm under my shirt sleeve and not visible; even if it were, it would be grandfathered in.


Staff member
If they're doing this because tattoos are offensive to the customer, what sense does it make "grandfathering" anyone??? Aren't we all brothers? Why have special treatment for some?

There is an appearance poster in my center that says "No visible tattoos". It does not say "unless you're grandfathered in". Thankfully, no-one enforces the policy. I would like to think the company has more important things to do.


Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
this tattoo has been approved by corporate
But not this one


From the promised LAND
it used to be that ink was ink, much like art hanging on a wall.

but times have changed. getting inked has so many different meanings depending on the culture you are in. and in some places, the wrong ink can get you killed.

what in one mans mind is beautiful, in another's is offensive.

for the same reason corp does not allow certain calendars (swimsuit issue comes to mind) in package cars anymore.



Retired 23 years
it used to be that ink was ink, much like art hanging on a wall.

but times have changed. getting inked has so many different meanings depending on the culture you are in. and in some places, the wrong ink can get you killed.

what in one mans mind is beautiful, in another's is offensive.

for the same reason corp does not allow certain calendars (swimsuit issue comes to mind) in package cars anymore.


Say it isn't so. Now I know I retired at the right time.:faint: