Teamsters United sucks

It's going to be funny, when they lose again.

KP (from TDU) will have to stick around for another election.

Being a gas station attendant, and 1 year as a Teamster....

Probably.... doesn't offer much of a retirement plan. :biggrin:

That communist will never retire form that gravy train. He's a real POS with nuts & corn in it.

wide load

Starting wage is a waste of time.
OB has experience getting 18 Supplements rejected, bringing reproach upon the union, and being suspended while a VP. Not the experience anyone wants
OB has thousands of Teamsters behind him. Talk is cheap INSTABATER. The proof will be in the numbers.


Well-Known Member
OB has thousands of Teamsters behind him. Talk is cheap INSTABATER. The proof will be in the numbers.

O'B,.........the thug!



My Senior Picture
He's around.

Best way to explain it to you is in the form of an analogy.

In the summer, when we go to the local pool for an afternoon, I generally sit in a comfortable chair off to the side with a cold beverage and watch the kids rough house and act a fool.
I generally don't get into the pool until the lifeguard blows the whistle for the kids to sit out so the adults can have a turn for 15 minutes.
Although occasionally, I do get in when it just gets to "hot" to resist.

Meme and GIF fest doesn't qualify, but you kids feel free to "carry on".
Thanks for asking.
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