The Ballot mess!


Well-Known Member
That's the point. The US has one of the worst healthcare systems of the western world simply because there aren't enough people in line. The line is only for the top-half (and is getting shorter, with the elimination of good FT work) and the rest don't go to the doctor until their situations become emergencies and tax-payers foot the much higher bill of emergency care. The amount of uninsured citizens in the US is appalling to people from other developed countries. Hell, :censored2:ing India has public healthcare. India!

People who need heart transplants still get heart transplants, whether they have insurance or not. Hospitals have a duty to provide care, regardless. "To say insuring more will ensure that more are able to seek medical services and that's a bad thing," is insane.

Public health has been tried and tested in Europe for decades. There is no 3 month line for emergency care. While visiting family in Germany my mother pinched a nerve in her neck on the flight over, set an appointment, saw a German doctor in a couple days (just like here), received treatment on the German tax-payer dime, recovered.
Adding more non-payers to the line doesnt help & there's no question Obamacare is responsible for eliminating millions of FT jobs. Sounds like you'r still telling many of the same lies that Obama told to get his healtcare bill passed. Tell me, if we like our doctors can we keep them? Can we keep our healthcare plans if we like them too?

Johnny Paycheck

Speak softly and carry a big stick.
Thats very touching. What kind of drugs does you friend Jeremy sell your family?
He sells marijuana. Not a bad way to work his way through school. None for me though, I've found alcohol to be cheaper with more preferable effects for me. I don't have a family but if they ever smoked a leaf the rules would be the . It's only a matter of time before it's legal nationwide and Jeremy will be an "entrepreneur" then.


Well-Known Member
I am not getting Teamcare. Too bad for all those that do. Run by the same guys that ran Central States Pension. Look how well that ended up.
In all likliehood TeamCare is better than the plan you're under and the only thing similar between plans are words in their titles. CS Pension is a pension plan with pension plan administration that has struggled for reasons completely unrelated to the very successful CS H&W plans. If you don't know the difference, you've lost all credibility.


Well-Known Member
He sells marijuana. Not a bad way to work his way through school. None for me though, I've found alcohol to be cheaper with more preferable effects for me. I don't have a family but if they ever smoked a leaf the rules would be the . It's only a matter of time before it's legal nationwide and Jeremy will be an "entrepreneur" then.
Now I see who I'm dealing with. Liberalism makes more sense to people when they are drunk, high or otherwise disconected from reality.