The Debt Clock

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
40% of Americans have less than $10k saved for retirement. The working man has no investments.
Shame on them.
Everyone can save if they want to.

Use birth control ... kids are money pits.
Watch TV on the internet.
No smartphone.
No land line.
Don't do drugs and that includes alcohol.
Don't smoke cigarettes.
Go to food shelters.
Take the bus, ride a bike, carpool.

I have friends like this and that's how they choose to live their lives.
They are not victims.

El Correcto

god is dead
Shame on them.
Everyone can save if they want to.

Use birth control ... kids are money pits.
Watch TV on the internet.
No smartphone.
No land line.
Don't do drugs and that includes alcohol.
Don't smoke cigarettes.
Go to food shelters.
Take the bus, ride a bike, carpool.

I have friends like this and that's how they choose to live their lives.
They are not victims.
Add eat spam and ramen noodle to the list. Splurge on vitamins and fish oils pills.


Shame on them.
Everyone can save if they want to.

Use birth control ... kids are money pits.
Watch TV on the internet.
No smartphone.
No land line.
Don't do drugs and that includes alcohol.
Don't smoke cigarettes.
Go to food shelters.
Take the bus, ride a bike, carpool.

I have friends like this and that's how they choose to live their lives.
They are not victims.
yes they are victims

they shouldnt b using food shelters


I’m eating spam and noodle until you say it.
this is real bad.

so lets say u eat half the can, u take those numbers and multiply by 3 roughly. its sodium, fat overload!
