The Summer of Mike Eskew


Agent of Change
Yea its a shame. I make a comment on eskew seeming to be a nice guy and these trolls start talking about their sexual perversions.

OMG...Tie, what the h*ll did you do to p*ss off THIS "pack of dogs??" I've seen 'em come at you rough but this takes it to a whole new level! -Rocky


Well-Known Member
I don't know Mike personally so I have no idea what type person he is. I do know he like us all has a high stress job, and has decisions to make that effect us all at some level.

Respect has to be mutual folks, so if you give it you usually get it back.

I'll just say, from my perspective, "Judge not lest ye be ye judged".


Well-Known Member
Any one know where Mike's schedule would be found? I'm hours away from the district hub, so I won't see him. but it'd be nice to know what day my management team will all be at the hub.


OMG...Tie, what the h*ll did you do to p*ss off THIS "pack of dogs??" I've seen 'em come at you rough but this takes it to a whole new level! -Rocky

Rocky I didn't p*** them off I think I got them turned on the way they are fantasizing about me in a sexual way.
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Active Member
He was in San Francisco hub yesterday. His speech was to long i had late air. In his speech he never thanked us for the hard work we do. Now i know how they care about us... Well they dont...


Re: APWA Update: Indianapolis, Ind. Center

OK, if you're in one of the "lucky" cities, just TRY to get close to him! Mark my words, he'll be surrounded by black suits, ties and sunglasses with their hands close to their chest holster!
WE are not aloud to have firearms on UPS property remember boys and girls . No execeptions!