UK to US


Well-Known Member
Its hard enough just to go on Holiday to the U.S these days. My Ex wife has a U.S passport and I had always wondered if that might have got me the opportunity to get in but from what I have read on here you dont just wander in off the street and land a drivers job like you can in the U.K.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
You would have to be a US citizen to get a job as a driver. After that, you would get in line like all the others.

Not true, all you would need is a green card, as long as you are a resident alien and legal to work you would be OK. Other than talking funny, driving on the wrong side of the road and drinking warm beer, there is no reason a limey wouldnt make a perfectly good driver over here.


Box Monkey
You would have to be a US citizen to get a job as a driver. After that, you would get in line like all the others.


I'm not sure if that is comletely true. We have an Austrailian driver in our other center. I'll have to check with him to see if he is a citizen or not. Hes married to a US citizen for sure but not 100% if he is.