UPS Employee Refuses To Deliver Package Of Pot


Just another excuse to fire a's always the drivers fault....

the news is only giving the drivers version since the company will not provide them with confidential details.

the case ran the grievance process and the driver lost. That could be a clue that there may be more to this story then what the news is reporting.


From the promised LAND
First thing, some of you all need to re-read what actually happened.

1 He delivered the package.

2 He had second thoughts, and went back and picked it up. Please note, he did not void the delivery, he just went back and snatched it.

3 He then opened it up. This is why he was fired. You are never ever as a driver allowed to open a package. Ever. The package does not belong to you.

4 It was only after he went back and picked it up and opened it that he called his sup. As far as I can tell, the package still shows delivered.

5 UPS did not fire him for not delivering the package as claimed by the headline, instead they fired him for pilferage of a package. Who knows what else was in the package? But because of his actions, he turned himself from a hero to a zero.

6 As has been falsely mentioned, the union did represent him at a hearing, at which he lost. Most likely with an arbitrator at the helm.

A spokeswoman for Atlanta-based UPS said Mojica's firing was upheld by a grievance procedure

Had he made the phone call before he went back, the following would most likely of happened.

1 Nothing, as we know most LP guys are basically lazy, and feel drivers dont know a dang thing past running to the bank with a check that is too large. (yeah I know, they have contempt for most hourly)

2 In the event that LP actually got on the stick, they would have contacted law enforcement and would have busted the owner and sender of the package. This would give LP bragging rights, and justification for putting him in another position.

In either event, the driver would have not been the center of the story, and would still have his job.

Bottom line, he will not get his job back. Another driver does things his way, and not by the book, and gets bitten.



Well-Known Member
At our center, the latest kick is to deliver all packages in spite of their non-deliverable reasons (NI1, moved, NSP or NS company, etc.). So that driver, if he was in my center, would have got a message from his OMS that the package had a good address so go back and re-attempt.

I'm w/Tooner, I could care less what is in the box, just deliver it. One stop closer to home.


Well-Known Member
Just another excuse to fire a's always the drivers fault....
How many pounds of pot go through UPS on a daily basis? I'm gonna guess... 35 tons? Most of it overnighted. But the DEA probably knows within a couple of thousand pounds, the correct tonnage. I'm sure every pre-load sup has his stash.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Who wants to be a hero? Just deliver the package. I wonder what percentage of UPS revenue comes from people shipping illegal drugs? If they sent it once you know they've used us many times before.

If this guy had any commonsense and has been at UPS for 17 yrs,especially in that area ,he should of been more afraid of the ramifications & rath put on him from the drugs not being delivered to by the cons,or the shipper. I'm sure the dealers knew his dailey routine. I would of left it & then called UPS on it,which they would say "we will look into it "" then file in the who gives a ship file cabinet!!

the news is only giving the drivers version since the company will not provide them with confidential details.

the case ran the grievance process and the driver lost. That could be a clue that there may be more to this story then what the news is reporting.

Yes he was totally wrong to open it. That goes without saying. But he is also wrong to question what is in it. Its none of our business. If UPS cared they would have the dogs in every day. They threw them out of my building.
Covemaster and Blackbox nailed it.


Yes he was totally wrong to open it. That goes without saying. But he is also wrong to question what is in it. Its none of our business. If UPS cared they would have the dogs in every day. They threw them out of my building.
Covemaster and Blackbox nailed it.

The safe answer is to not care whats in the box. Deliver everything by the methods and let someone else worry about it.

The problem is we live in a world ruined by drugs and a dangerous world ripe with terrorists and terrorist types.

I don't think we should be inspecting every box that we get as part of ups's security force.

I do think that we as citizens of this world do have a responsibility to report those boxes that scream drug delivery at us or those that look highly unusual or suspicious for one reason or another.
Everyone here who said we should look the other way should also not complain the next time some druggie mugs, burglarizes or carjacks them.
Don't call the cops. Take your drug induced beating and write off the loss like a champ.


Well-Known Member
The safe answer is to not care whats in the box. Deliver everything by the methods and let someone else worry about it.

The problem is we live in a world ruined by drugs and a dangerous world ripe with terrorists and terrorist types.

I don't think we should be inspecting every box that we get as part of ups's security force.

I do think that we as citizens of this world do have a responsibility to report those boxes that scream drug delivery at us or those that look highly unusual or suspicious for one reason or another.

That's a great Idea

But can you be specific about what makes a package scream I'm full of illegal drugs. I mean there is going to have to be some sort of stardards that each driver can use to determine which box might contain drugs or it will just be a guessing game.


From the promised LAND
You know, Tie is a bit rough when it comes to that last post, but it is true.

Problem is that there are a ton of posts on this subject, and very few got it right.

Any time you have a suspicious package on your car, you are to call your sup. That takes any responsibility off your back, and places it on theirs. Youve done your part, just deliver it like any other.

But for sure, dont take things into your own hands like this driver



Staff member
For me it's more philosophical. I think the "war on drugs" is a misguided joke, so I'm not going to be doing any volunteer work to support it. I also don't think our world is being ruined by anything, much less drugs.


Nine Lives
Had he made the phone call before he went back, the following would most likely of happened.

1 Nothing, as we know most LP guys are basically lazy, and feel drivers dont know a dang thing past running to the bank with a check that is too large. (yeah I know, they have contempt for most hourly)

2 In the event that LP actually got on the stick, they would have contacted law enforcement and would have busted the owner and sender of the package. This would give LP bragging rights, and justification for putting him in another position.

In either event, the driver would have not been the center of the story, and would still have his job.

Bottom line, he will not get his job back. Another driver does things his way, and not by the book, and gets bitten.


If he had called the center manager, the center manager would have sold it and they would have split the money.


Any time you have a suspicious package on your car, you are to call your sup. That takes any responsibility off your back, and places it on theirs. Youve done your part, just deliver it like any other.

But for sure, dont take things into your own hands like this driver


Words of wisdom, to survive at UPS.

Dis-organized Labor

By the way, was it Humbolt Gold? Thai Alai? Keno Beeno????

I read about these on the Internet...............;-)


Pees in the brown Koolaid
I'm surprised you feel you can say that. You're close enough to DC to see the problems drugs have wrought on that city.

Its not the drugs, its the illegal status of and the resultant black market for the drugs that causes the problems.

Make the drugs legally available by prescription to registered addicts for a few cents a day and you will eliminate the black market by undercutting the price to the point where the smugglers and pushers can no longer make a profit.

I lost a marriage and my son lost a mother to drugs and alcohol. I very nearly lost my life to drugs and alcohol. Having spent many years on the front lines of the "war on drugs" I can tell you from personal experience that it cannot be fought and won through prohibition.

The definition of insanity is to continue the same action over and over while expecting a different result. We are beating our heads into a brick wall with our "war on drugs"...and its not the wall that is bleeding.


Well-Known Member
WOW... 4 pounds of marijuana...I would of pinched like a ounce or two and retaped it back up and delivered it...I mean I dont think a customer can call and say I am missing damn I hope it was some fire and not some dirt


WOW... 4 pounds of marijuana...I would of pinched like a ounce or two and retaped it back up and delivered it...I mean I dont think a customer can call and say I am missing damn I hope it was some fire and not some dirt
The "customer" is not stupid- (well maybe)- and might just corner the driver and ask where is the rest of my "stuff".
I have seen guns drawn over one pill missing in a deal.
Anyone that is willing to steal a nickle is willing to steal a dollar.
If you feel comfortable being a thief, then you should be treated like a thief.


From the promised LAND
Make the drugs legally available by prescription to registered addicts for a few cents a day and you will eliminate the black market by undercutting the price to the point where the smugglers and pushers can no longer make a profit.


Who is going to "make" the drug for whom to prescribe at a low enough price to run the drug cartel out of business? Our Gooberment?

And who is going to figure out a reasonable symptom for someone to get a script for heroin? Crack? And the list is endless. And who is the one in authority to write the script?

And then of course there is the problem of prescription drugs in the illegal market. They are prescribed as you suggest, but yet look at the market for them.

I disagree that your suggestion is the answer.

But on a side bar, I can respect someone that has dealt on the front lines the devastation caused by the misuse of drugs and alcohol.
